Unban Request: XAVAS<3

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New Member
7 Mar 2014
Name: XAVAS<3

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:39017998

Ban reason: SMAC Eye Test Violation

Unban reason: Hello,
i am banned from our Scoutzknivez RPG server.
I dont know why.. I am on this server level 250, and i am everyday on this server..Its not easy for me in english to write. If you dont believe me, you can check me 24/7, but i dont cheating or this some shit.

But please believe me, i dont have "hack" or this some shit. You can check me every day, i havent hack. I i dont want buy a new account for 15-20€ for a bann :S
Please unban me, and check me again..
Thank you
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If you get a ban from the console is definitely for cheating. U can try cheating on another server not here. thank u good night.
500 kills
323 deaths.

To me this does not seem like cheating.

But of course i can't be sure. Console bans for a reason.
Console does not ban for no reason.

Ban stays.
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Tomorrow I will chek the logs and confirm the cheat.
Just to be sure
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