Seinfeld bass line starts playing "You know, I've been playing this game, Counter-Strike, what is the deal with all these zombies? It's a tough afterlife, right? I mean, we're arguing about if it's humane to hunt animals, but we can nade and machine gun spray fattys into oblivion with no morals issue whatsoever. Does PETA have a division for the undead? I get it; they’re walking around, all limbs and groans, it's like they're perpetually getting out of bed on a Monday morning. And the zombies just keep coming – wave after wave. Kinda like the relatives at a family think you've escaped Uncle Bob's life story, but BOOM! He's back again! And have you ever noticed how hunting is just like being in a relationship? I mean, you're constantly on edge, praying you're not going to do something stupid that'll get you killed. Maybe playing Counter Strike is like life, you get through the hoards of chubbie bois, camping in obscure corners, just hunting for those rare moments of peace, and a little bit of 'respawning' would make it all a lot easier".
I started playing this server quite a lot sometime during the start of this summer. It's been quite a lot of fun - love the maps and head shotting fattys with my SG 550. I enjoy the simple things in life such as Bam Margeras public downward spiral, smoking good zaza behind the gas station, chamomile tea, and airplane food-based observational humor. In the summer of 2017, god entered into my body - like a body of same size. Like me floating into you or you floating into me. That was when I realized my true purpose for being on this planet - spread the good word of our lord and savior Bettie Bondage.
Happy holidays to all and I will see you out there. Grab some hot cocoa, get comfy, and pop some big bois with me.
I started playing this server quite a lot sometime during the start of this summer. It's been quite a lot of fun - love the maps and head shotting fattys with my SG 550. I enjoy the simple things in life such as Bam Margeras public downward spiral, smoking good zaza behind the gas station, chamomile tea, and airplane food-based observational humor. In the summer of 2017, god entered into my body - like a body of same size. Like me floating into you or you floating into me. That was when I realized my true purpose for being on this planet - spread the good word of our lord and savior Bettie Bondage.
Happy holidays to all and I will see you out there. Grab some hot cocoa, get comfy, and pop some big bois with me.