
Dances With Zombiez
Staff member
Special Admin
EliteHunterz Clan Member
25 Oct 2013
xmas event 2023 v4.jpg

Ho Ho Ho HunterZ, CamperZ and FattieZ,

Days are getting colder and the year 2023 is coming to an end... ΞH proudly presents our traditional Xmas Event! Ξlite HunterZ Xmas season officially starts on December 1st at 9pm CET and will end at Dec 27st. Like all of our events this one comes with a rank reset, that means that all ranks will be reset at December 1st. If you aready participated in previous events you know what that means... Xmas gifts and prizes are waiting for you!

But before we start, a big shootout: Ξlite HunterZ wants to thank our community for their loyality: You guys are amazing 💪 And big thanks to all the hard-working map makers who created all these awesome Xmasy and winter maps 👏!

Here is an overview about all the prizes you can win:

Prize Category I: Maps

There are 6 prizes to win in this category in total. Disclaimer: If any map will be removed from rotation (due to performance issues for example) the specific prize might be cancelled. The #1 ranked player on each of the following maps will win 2 months of premium features, including all three skins and our newly introduced "Xmas Champ" tag.


Prize Category II: Weapons

There are 8 prizes to win in this category in total. The players having most kills using the weapons listed below will win 2 month of full premium features including all three skins and our popular "[Weapon] Master" tag (Example: Most AK47 kills will get "AK47 Master"). The following weapon categories will be part of the event:


Prize Category III: Overall Ranking

6 prizes to win in main category! The most successful zombiez will win another highly popular prize too. Whoever infects the most enemies will win full premium features including all three skins and the notorious "Zombie King" tag. The #2 and #3 most successful zombies win prizes too and will be rewarded with our "Zombie Boss" tag:

Most Cts killed/infected: 3 months of full premium features and the "Zombie King" tag
Second most Cts killed/infected: 2 months of full premium features and the "Zombie Boss" tag
Third most Cts killed/infected: 2 months of full premium features and the "Zombie Boss" tag

Last but not least: The players with most points at the end of the event will win prizes too, of course.

The #1 ranked player will win 3 months of full premium and the golden "Ξvent Winner" tag
The #2 ranked player will win 2 months of full premium and the silver "Ξvent Winner" tag
The #3 ranked player player will win 2 months of premium and the bronze "Ξvent Winner" tag

Everybody can only win one prize! If two players tie in a category both will be winning the prize.

Looking forward to see you on servers!

Quick facts:
Event starts: Friday, 1st Dec 2023, 9 pm (CET)
Event ends: Sunday, 27st Dec 2023, 8 pm (CET)
20 prizes to win

Important notice: Breaking any of our rules will lead to disqualification.

ΞH XMAS ΞVΞNT 2023 is live!​

Good luck to everybody - and have fun!

PLZ If there is any bug in 3-rooms xmas, plz tell me, i can fix it immediately 🥺
The event officially ended at 9 p.m. CET. I hope you had fun trying out some new maps and weapons.

The winners will be announced soon.

... and the winners are

Another funny, exciting and exclusive 🎅 Ξlite HunterZ Xmas season 🎅 comes to an end and the winners of our 2023's Xmas event have been determined. Unfortunately one map had been removed from the event due to performance issues (zm_3rooms_xmas) but we still got 19 lucky winners left. Thanks to every single player who participated (more than 5.000 players joined our servers) in this year's event, many new players joined our servers and community and many former players found their way back to the best zombiemod server in CS:S history!

Bl4ze and [Ξн] Randale led the scoreboard in two categories, iRaQi_HuNtEr led in even 6 categories. Although everybody can only win one price, this is worth to be mentioned.

Without hesitation here is the official list of event winners:

Prize Category I: Maps

The following players won 2 months of premium features, including all three skins and our newly introduced [Xmas Champ] tag:

[Ƶʀ]кιηg_ernesto (a.k.a R E A C H E R.,.,.) for winning zm_4way_xmas

N 1 T R Oo for winning zm_cbble_eh_xmas_v2

Aha*GunPower* for winning zm_rush_xmas_eh

FastSanta (a.k.a. FastLife) for winning zm_eh_fast_final_xmas

SarevoK^! for winning zm_neko_athletic_xmas_v2fix

Prize Category II: Weapons

The following players won 2 month of full premium features including all three skins and our popular [Weapon] Master tag:

Syberia, who scored almost twice as much kills as the second place, for most kills with AWP will be known as [AWP Master]

won AK47 category with 233 kills and will be known as [AK47 Master]

mixalis-94 scored unbelievable 520 kills (!) with M4A1 will be known as [M4A1 Master]

ȐĄÏḎĚṞ_ẀḚŜĻẾY for most kills (177) with MAC10 will be known as [MAC10 Master]

ElectriX scored 402 kills with MP5 will be known as [MP5 Master]. Following the wonderful Xmas spirit ElectriX decided to share his award with - Rōnin - Roni who scored 305 kills. Both players won this category and get a full month of premium features including the MP5 Master-tag. This idea and generosity is one of my personal event highlights! Awesome move, ElectriX!

bl4ze for most kills with
57 (FIVESEVEN) will be known as [FIVE7 Master]

[Ξн] Randale knifed 13 fattiez in total and won KNIFE category - he will be rewarded with being known as [KNIFE Master]

Prize Category III: Overall Ranking

All hail to the new king! Bow now and bend you knees for the new Zombie King, who infected most CTs during the event. Successor of [ΞD] Superman, our first Zombie King and lן|: ), our second zombie king, he will now be the third zombie king in Ξlite HunterZ history and shall be known from this day on and for at least 3 months, in which he enjoys full premium features, as [Zombie King] chicken - first of his name, fatty ruler of v3, sworn enemy to the edgerz, camperz and noob naderz, overcomer of the barricades and Lord of the Fattiez.

The infamous [Zombie Boss] 多Abdullah15N will be known as his prince of death, he who had the second most infections during the event will be rewarded with 2 months of full premium features and our Zombie-Boss tag. The notorious [Zombie Boss] Element was infecting the third most CTs and will also be rewarded with 2 months of full premium features and our [Zombie Boss]-tag.

Honor to whom honor is due: Iraqui Hunter who scored most points during the event and won the main category also led the scoreboard on 4 out of 5 Xmas maps! Although he cannot win more than one price this is a remarkable job he did - congratulations! He will be rewared with 3 months of full premium and our golden Ξvent Winner-tag.

Second most points were scored by .i N S O M N i A -, a.k.a. A M A T Ξ R A Z U -, a.k.a. A!MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM-. Have fun with your price: 2 months of full premium and the silver "Ξvent Winner" tag

Winner of 2 months of premium and our bronze "Ξvent Winner" tag is ZW xXEsIqUeLXx for scoring third most points during the event.

Congratulations to all winners, thanks and shoot out to everybody who participated at the event! I hope you enjoyed our Ξlite HunterZ Xmas event - see you at the next one!
Come to me, Mac 10 master, come to me my tag!
Thank you everyone for such an event! Thanks to the Christmas maps, I got into a New Year's mood!
It’s also nice to receive awards for participation, I didn’t think that I would take any category, but I did it!
I would like it if these Player Tags would be stay every month. Best Zombie Player gets Zombie King Tag and the Best Human gets the Zombie Slayer Tag 😁
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