i would like to create a picture similar to a mosaic filled with your New Year Greetings on our CS:S Servers. It will replace the current December Sale banner.
Depending on the amount of your contributions, your individual greeting may become "small". But as for now i can't think of any restrictions in size. How your greeting looks like and if your name is part of it, is totally up to you.
Just post your greeting as a picture in this thread and i will merge every answer for the final mosaic banner
Best regards!
i would like to create a picture similar to a mosaic filled with your New Year Greetings on our CS:S Servers. It will replace the current December Sale banner.
Depending on the amount of your contributions, your individual greeting may become "small". But as for now i can't think of any restrictions in size. How your greeting looks like and if your name is part of it, is totally up to you.
Just post your greeting as a picture in this thread and i will merge every answer for the final mosaic banner
Best regards!