
Yeh this bug is known and it is in use by everyone all the time. If any admin warn any player they wont stop it either they get slayed/slapped.

So it would be better if they are breakable in the future. Because sometimes there is someone inside the toilet and is just sitting behind the door so it doesn't get open if zombies block it from the another side. Killing the ct takes hours then after zombies reach the CT then.

So making the door breakable will solve both problems.
If wolfram won't look into it, I'll look at the weekend maybe if I have time for it what I can do there then.

Kind Regards,
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I think fixing the doors so they only open one way(out ward) would be an easier solution.

i can take a look at it later this week, im still working on that lila_beach-map.

the lila_map is old and there is alot of issues and bad mapping. i actually had to delete 50 areaportals that was
grouped together and im amazed that the map was playable and didn't kill our servers and the whole Internet.
Doing that is pretty much the same as telling your graphic-card to calculate the meeting-points of 2 perfect parallel lines. 50 times... While gaming..

i also suggest we make this a prop_dynamic
atm its a prop_physics_multiplayer and that give ppl the opportunity to jump inside it and protect yourself so ppl cant get to you.

anything other that should be changed?
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well yeah thats not realy the problem. the issue is that they open the door and block it so noone can get in. making the door breakable will remove the issue. if ofc only making that one door breakable
sorry, i hadnt time to watch the video before going to work and i assumed that you was talking about ppl blocking themself inside the stalls.

I didnt really see this as a big issue because you can get ppl anyway, sometimes through the door even.
But, a way to fix this is very simple. just make the doors force_close and add block_damage 1 or 2hp.
That will stop them quickly enough.

I dont really like the idea of breaking the doors, because then there is no function of them being there.
Then its just easier to simply delete the door(bathroom stall-doors) all together.
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well its not about them hiding inside the stalls they are easy to get there.

its about them opening the door and 2 ct`s blocking it so its locked in place.
but i am pretty sure the force_close and the block_damage will take care of the blocing people yes but they shoot vending machines in there to just to block it off. does force_close go threw props?
sorry, i forgot about this


i fixed it!

download link:


- changed the name to zm_officerush_b8 (it was a bit long and i wanted to be sure the radar worked).
- i made the doors open only inwards.
- the doors cannot be blocked
- the doors have 5hp blockdamage (it takes about 3 sec for someone inside the stalls to get killed by the door, see picture)
- props cannot block the doors.
- added more spawnpoints (i think it was only 58/60)
- added a radar
- added a few overlays(pictures) you'll see in the pictures under.
9531067d9a.jpg 9042b6b176.jpg
a6fe6d35b0.jpg 239aac090a.jpg
1f397ec7da.jpg 4c4244d8cd.jpg

test and comment :)
Wolfy outdoes himself once again.
Now there won't be more complaints regarding this matter. Great job. :)

-cHeT [BeWasted]