Post your screens (scores) ZM

V1 is not fun to play on with many players, when it's cbble with 64 players!. Everyone is teamblocking, teamkilling, hunting/blocking (more like blocking than hunting). That's why I rarely see any players I know at V1, most of em play at V2. Version2 and 4 is however is fun to play at. Only one thing... poor v4 is still running on HDD and it's lagging alot :p
And v4 sux since lila_panic_v2 has been removed :mad:
Hehe don't worry, every time Panic Rev is about to change. Make a map vote to panicv2 and it usually wins :) ppl like playing v2, who removed it? Let's team up and kill this person, what u say?:>
There were more players, when the map started!


  • 2013-03-21_00008.jpg
    301.1 KB · Views: 336
this is what happens when you're the last zombie and 48 cts shooting at you from all directions :(
Nah not 2. maybe 4-5 i guess, dunno exactly. Thank you sour :p

Nooo niko! But add me, ima pro! :)