GoFree - VIP system


Staff member
Special Admin
7 Jul 2016
VIP System

VIP features and commands

Below is a list of features that you are granted when you purchase VIP with GoFree.
!triggers - Allows a client to see the triggers the map maker mas made on the map. (this is great for learning skips/new routes)

!replay - Allows a client to generate a replay for either the map, a stage, or a bonus at anytime! Also replay and view style bots!

!mytitle/!title - Displays a menu that shows your custom title and allows you to change text colour and name colour in the chat.

!customtitle - Allows you to set a custom title. The command is best used through console to allow for custom colour variations

!ve - Votes to extend the current map for 10 minutes

!colours - Lists available colours for your custom title and join message

!toggletitle - Toggles your custom title
!joinmsg - Allows a vip to set their join message

!votemute - Initiates a server-wide vote to mute a selected players for 30 minutes

!votegag - Initiates a server-wide vote to gag a selected players for 30 minutes
Each of the commands listed can be run by typing !command in chat or by typing sm_command in console

Syntax examples for custom title & custom join message
sm_customtitle "{red}Hello"
sm_joinmsg "{purple}Hello"

VIPs will recieve reserved slot access, being able to join the server even if it's full (5 limit)

VIPs are able to RTV & participate in map votes on our TOP servers regardless of points or rank.

VIPs will also get access to a special category in the store! VIPs also earn double the credits of a normal player (2 per minute)

VIPs will also be able to use +paint to paint on ramps and what not, to use this bind a key to +paint and use !paintcolour and !paintsize to change the setting.

People who donate will also get a special discord rank! If this does not get added right away message dPexx or Lotus.

Obtaining VIP
Sign into https://store.go-free.info via Steam and choose your package!

We'll also be giving free VIP away to the people that are in the top 10 of the ranked - normal style.

You can check if you're top 10 by either going here; https://stats.go-free.info/ or typing !rank or !top in-game.

We also offer the posibility to...
  • purchase credits to spend on our in-game item store, where you can buy a number of pets, hats, wings, masks, trails, glasses & much more
  • order your own private surf server, and
  • make a donation

Thank you for supporting Go-Free!
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Head Admin
Tech Team
25 Jan 2017


New Member
11 Dec 2016
Accept me dPexx or oliver ma bois

Forgot to put SteamID in donate page...


Ex Admin
10 Nov 2018

VIP system

The new timer we've decided to use has a VIP system, which is different to that of the normal ck. With this system !vmute is no longer an option for VIPs, however !ve is still available. For prices and ways of optaining VIP, look at the bootom of the page.

This is a list of the commands at your disposal as a VIP:

!fixbot: Toggles the replay bots off and on. This usually fixes problems related to bots. (only works for root admins because of spam, if a bot is broke, contact @dPexx or @Oliver)

!triggers: Allows a client to see the triggers the map maker mas made on the map. (this is great for learning skips/new routes)

!replay: Allows a client to generate a replay for either the map, a stage, or a bonus at anytime!

!mytitle/!title: Displays a menu that shows your custom title and allows you to change text colour and name colour in the chat.

!customtitle: Allows you to set a custom title. The command is best used through console to allow for custom colour variations.
Console command example: sm_customtitle "{darkred} [:D]". This would make my ingame name look as follows: [:D] Oliver

!ve: Votes to extend the current map for 10 minutes

!colours: Lists available colours for your custom title and join message

: Toggles your custom title

: Allows a vip to set their join message

Explaining the possible ways to use the commands more in depth

Every command, as listed above, has apart from the normal way of using them (with an !) also a console equivalent. Each of the commands can be used through the console by simply replacing the "!" with "sm_". For example, if you wanted to change your join message through the console, you would type in " sm_joinmsg "Hi world" ". One of the reasons you might want to do this, is because changing things like your join message or your name through a console command, allows for greater customizability. For instance, changing your join message through the console allows you to have multiple words, with proper spacing between them (using the ingame chat with !joinmsg only allows for one word as your join message, unless you use things like underscores), and additionally using the console allows for you to add colours all the way down each inidividual word, as demonstrated below.

sm_joinmsg "{darkred}Hel{green}lo {pink}Wor{orange}ld"
output: Hello World

This use of the console command applies to your custom title as well.

People who donate will also get a special discord rank

Obtaining VIP

Prices: 5 eur for 1 year. 10 eur for lifetime
https://forum.elite-hunterz.com/donate You can donate here then reply to this thread once you've done it (Please leave steamID in comments box of donate page, and include it in your comment below!!!)

We'll also be giving free VIP away to the people that are in the top 10 of the ranked - normal style.

Every VIP will also get a role on our discord with a nice colour. :)

you can check if you're top 10 by either going here; http://stats.go-free.info/ or typing !top and going to top100 players on the menu that pop's up