Recent content by skyliniste

  1. S

    Unban Request: Tyler Durden

    Why you set one week and you change it to two month ? Just because it's the 8th ban ?
  2. S

    Unban Request: Tyler Durden

    Okay so I won a bonus, genial !
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    Unban Request: Tyler Durden

    Name: Tyler Durden SteamID: STEAM_0:0:20450439 Ban reason: tk(knifing zombies into humans) Unban reason: I was ban by Kiwi, yes when he doesnt play, he spent his time in spectator on me, interessant life, brief. I just cut one time a zombie as human, after that, no warning, just "i will...
  4. S

    Ban Request: Prof Loned

    Name: Prof Loned SteamID: In the console Server: Zombie Hunting V3 Time and Date: 31/01/2015 Reason: Barricade destroying Additional Information: Barricade destroying between tick 58000 and 63000, he did it two times. Proof: Demo
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    Ban Request: TROFIM and Falcata

    Haaa perfect ! It just the beginning :D
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    Ban Request: TROFIM and Falcata

    Name: TROFIM and Falcata SteamID: In console Server: Zombie Hunting V3 Time and Date: 29/01/2015 12h30 12h45 Reason: Blocking, Teamkilling, Barricade destroying Additional Information: I missed lot of ban untill now, but it's over, Tyler is a real good police guy ! As usual on...
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    Ban Request: Lonesurvivor|mandown'uk

    Arf, I knew it... Second time I missed him ! Thank you to have spent times to watch demos ;)
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    Ban Request: Lonesurvivor|mandown'uk

    Name: Lonesurvivor|mandown'uk SteamID: See in console Server: Zombie Hunting V3 Time and Date: 28/01/2015 23h / 00h Reason: Insulting/Swearing, Blocking, Barricade destroying Additional Information: HE STARTED AGAIN ! I have 2 demos of this guy who deserves seriously a ban ...
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    Ban Request: NOX The One

    I don't think so... Watch the demo, I aim the guy so you can see his name ;)
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    Ban Request: NOX The One

    Oai j'ai vu ça en jouant juste après. Je ne pouvais pas me tromper, drapeau français, localisation France, et DA FRENCH BOI, il y aurait eu un soucis si tu ne parlais pas français :)
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    Ban Request: NOX The One

    Comment avoir son SteamID ? Il faut accéder à sa page Steam ? (Parfois les pages sont privées alors...) Et pourquoi dois-je faire "status" dans la console ? C'est ce qui m'indique le SteamID de chaque joueur et permet une vérification de votre côté ?
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    Ban Request: NOX The One

    Name: NOX The One SteamID: 123456 Server: Zombie Hunting V3 Time and Date: 24/01/2015 17h10 Reason: Blocking Additional Information: This time, I have a demo haha ! Please, give to this guy some holiday ! Tyler becomes a good boy... Proof: Demo
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    Ban Request: Lonesurvivor|mandown'uk

    Okay but one question for the demo. If the player do a bad act and i start to record just after, so we couldn't see the "bad act" ? I will try to be less annoying. But Tyler often does some spectacular kills and it's impressive !
  14. S

    Ban Request: Lonesurvivor|mandown'uk

    Okay I note, but watch this guy, it wasn't the first time, i saw him do it everytime. By the way, how can i record to make a demo ? With Fraps ? So i need to record my game everytime ? For my troll/provoke, it's the Tyler personality. I play a game in the game. I think you know Tyler Durden ...
  15. S

    Ban Request: Lonesurvivor|mandown'uk

    Name: Lonesurvivor|mandown'uk SteamID: 123456789 Server: Zombie Hunting V3 Time and Date: 19/01/2015 13:15 Reason: Blocking Additional Information: Lonesurvivor always block ladder or something like that. Was on 4way, you can check my chatlog, i saw lonesurvivor blocks the ladder and i said...