Name 『 sinツ 』
SteamID STEAM_0:1:103625244
Server Zombie Hunting V3
Time and Date 10:30am - 20.06.2018
Ban Reason Cheating/Hacking
Additional Information
Full trigger aimbot
Proof Demo
Name: [ﮔʜ]Beatnutﮔ
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:129944414
Server: Zombie Hunting V1
Time and Date: 03.09.2015 ~16:15
Reason: Reconnecting
Additional Information: This guy has been reconnecting to avoid death several times today! Now i made a video(raptr), because i cant stand this kind...
Admin's Name: T-flash (Demo) / i think Easy
Time and date: 11pm 04.11.2014
Description: The exact same thing happened also past week . Here the description:
The round on 4way starrts and I am on my way to the "doors". A few sec before the "4:45" i throw a nade, so i can damage the fresh...
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:39219842
Ban reason: 11 bans
Unban reason: My motherlanguage is German but I will give my best to write this unbanrequest in English :)
I am banned on all EH-servers since December last year. The time before, I was playing nearly everyday on you servers...
Unban requests:
name: POWHA
steam id: STEAM_0:0:39219842
reason of the ban:
why u should be unbanned:
First of all I want to make clear that I am the real POWA :). I am NOT Albozz... ( I absolutely...
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