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  1. Soup^

    zm_office_house_v2 jump to get campers on red container

    1) Start off by breaking the little "Gravity" glass that's located where my crosshair is on the screenshot ( I've already broken it in the picture but you get the idea) This will enable gravity ( duh ) in the nearby gravity room that's essential to be used for this jump to work. 2) Look for...
  2. Soup^

    zm_eh_palace jump to surprise humans/escape zombies chasing you

    Hello! Today I wanted to show you a jump I have rarely seen someone use,but it can be quite useful to suprise humans hunting in that area or,as a human,if you want to escape those pesky fatties chasing you down like crazy. So here is the jump: Point of the jump is that you actually cannot...
  3. Soup^

    zm_mystic_halls_b3 jump to get campers on glass

    Hello! Today I wanted to show you a cool jump you can pull off to get those pesky campers sitting on the glass of this map ;) This is just an updated version,link to original post can be found [ here ] Here is the jump,done from both sides...
  4. Soup^

    [fix needed] zm_base_day

    One of the oldest maps on Zombie Mod in general,yet still in need of fixes,hoping that it can be more balanced or even added to normal rotation someday: - Entrance to that spot needs to be wider,currently 1 zombie standing in the middle can completely block the way,they all stack together in...
  5. Soup^

    How to properly barricade yourself in that one lila panic room.

    Hello! I have decided to make this tutorial in order to explain as better as I can the importance of building the perfect barricade to defend yourself. I have seen many people randomly shooting vending machines,ruining the barricade and then question themselves on why they are getting warned for...
  6. Soup^

    Another server feature idea from me.

    So I know we have talked about this before but we did not make a conclusion as to if that feature is available or hard to setup,so here it goes: 1) Restrict nades in maps zm_dust2_64_v1 and zm_azduextincion_acp_final . While nades in general are mostly used by less experienced players and lead...
  7. Soup^

    Regarding EH Discord Server

    Niko said a new thread here is fine,so here it goes: About the new EH Discord server now open for everyone to join,I had this suggestion in my mind: - Make a "server tracking" channel with a bot that will mention the server,the name of the map,players currently on the server and the name of...
  8. Soup^


    Another map I could not find the thread of,decided to address the issue with a new thread. If you are down here as a zombie or a human, you can knife enemies through the stairs. Video demonstration of the bug:
  9. Soup^

    Best weapon for hunting in CSS Zombie Mod!

    I saw a fellow player asking this question in the shoutbox and decided to see what the rest of y'all opinions are. I got the big picture through the shoutbox,but thought about it and said why not vote for it?
  10. Soup^

    [fix needed] zm_rig_v3n

    Since I couldn't find the specific map thread in the forum,I decided to make a new one and address the issue here. Yesterday,the map zm_rig_v3n was tested on v3 as a special one,and me and Dhoudz noticed only few people were able to buy guns,or even could use !zmarket feature,while the majority...
  11. Soup^

    Server features suggestions

    So I do not know if this is the right place to post something like this but I wanted to take the courage to suggest some features in the server to be considered changing/added.I will explain what I mean down below. First of all,I suggest removing fall damage for humans too.I really do not think...
  12. Soup^

    Useful commands for V3/V1 zombie mod servers.

    Since I see a lot of people not knowing their existence or not knowing how to use them,I decided to make a list here for some useful commands you can use on the servers: !zstuck or /zstuck - If a player is blocking you you can use this command to enable noblock for 5 seconds and prevent...
  13. Soup^

    V3 zombie model suggestions

    Ok so I do not really know if ever since the server started the star zombies were the fatties as everyone calls them,but I would like to suggest some more models to be added for zombies and maybe everyone can have access to them via !zclass/or maybe let people have them only via VIP,It's up to...
  14. Soup^

    Hello fellow gamers

    So I have been part of the community for like a year or so,and recently proudly became an admin,so I decided to take the courage to introduce myself to my fellow hunters/zombie gamers! For those of you who did not see my application,I am George,22 years old and I live in the beautiful city of...