66 tickrate u guys r slow


Well-Known Member
28 May 2018
been AGES since nikoo said we would put the server back to 66 tickrate asap

its still 33 tickrate

our pings 20-30 higher, my normal ping is 40 ish, with 33 tick its 60-70 ping. and so goes for everyone.

come on, just do it now.
The servers have never been forced to 33 tick. The only change that was made was to lower sv_mincmdrate and sv_minupdaterate to 33 instead of 66, the max has always remained 66.

Its the clients choice to use 66 if they wish if they by typing cl_cmdrate 66 and cl_updaterate 66 and that will set you back to 66 tick. There will have be players on 66 this whole time so if their pings are higher then its not because of the tickrate.
so not even 1% of the server is running 66 tick cause they are starting off with 33 (default css settings)
people dont mess with their own client rates since all servers in history tends to pick the tickrate for them.

should just let the server pick it.

if i goto gametracker and take whole frontpage of top css servers this will probably be the only one running like this.
when you restart css it puts it back to 33 annyway you have to put it in your own autoexec.cfg just to play 66 tick everytime you hop on @Advaldo
There's 20 plus players at the moment with rates 66+, even some with 100 (even though it wont go above 66), so that's a bit more than 1% mentioned. This was changed months ago because players were complaining of lag, after the change the CPU usage dropped by ~20% and choke dramatically decreased too. I had a look on Gametracker and it looks like we're doing quite well on 2nd rank. I'm not particularly bothered on what the other server settings have. If anything, server owners in the past have come to us asking for our settings so I'm not worried on what we have set. What he have set now reduces CPU usage and choke whilst giving players the change to go to 66 if they wish, which is what 30% of the server have done already.
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