Invalid Abuse Report: Babygirl


New Member
20 Mar 2024
Admin's Name Babygirl

Time and date 03/20/2024 around 4pm

Server Zombies #3 css

I was zombie, i had a phone call so i disconnected. My phone call was short (20s) so i came back in the game, i was already dead without respawning... But baby girl freeze me next round just saying i didnt respect the rules........
I am top 20 of the server and i always follow the rule, it is just admin abuse here and it ruined my game.
Few min after someone complain too after babygirl for admin abuse.
He didn't apologize.
Not nice at all.
I am shocked. I would hear apologize.

Reporting an abuse is a serious matter. Do you hold all the proofs requested for an abuse request? Yes
Hello and welcome to the forum!

So basically you rejoined within 20 seconds and got punished for it. This is standard on our servers. Please read !rules in game. Rejoining in our round based game is a serious violation of our rules and you can get banned for it, There is almost no legid reason to rejoin (I mean it's sensless anyways as it is a respawn server and a rejoiner can't join a team anyways...) - which means in other words that rejoining is never allowed. If we allowed rejoining what would happen? Most people dont like playing as zombie or dieing in general and would avoid it by rejoining.

Nothing happened tho, you were neither kicked nor banned, all that happened was a freeze and to make you aware of our rules (a small warning).

My best advice is: Instead of rejoining next time write !specme if you get a call.
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Hi @dark_saiyens

I'm the admin that froze you.
As I mentioned in game and as Easy mentioned above, you still broke a rule.

Also, for your information, the second freeze was not executed by me, I happened to just explain further as to why the other admin executed it and you somehow interpreted that as me executing the command.

Hopefully you are able to let this go now as you will still not be getting an apology.
Please refrain from breaking our rules in the future.
