Okay.. So I was minding my own business on the zombie-server, I belive I was playing on the zombie-server that holds 64 slots. I then looked down in the chat, where a guy said something to another guy (I don't remember his anme): ''You are probably 60 years old, and you fuck little boys asses''. It was something near that. I then replied to that: ''What is wrong with you? Thats fu**** up man (I made * instead of writing ''fucked'', and my reply was to the guy who was saying about the 60 year old stuff.) AVollaj then gagged me, for no complete reason! I then rejoined to ask him, why he gagged me for no reason, and he didn't even reply to it, he just gagged me again! He though answered: ''Seriously Peter?''. The map then changed, and I joined the server, Avollaj said: ''Wtf cmon man?'', something like that. And I then tolt him that I would report him for not saying anything to me, just gagging me for nothing. Here is the complaint..