Abuse Report: [EH] Rocky

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Active Member
21 Jan 2013
Admin's Name: [EH] Rocky

Time and date: 10-2-14 about 3am

Description: As the screenshots show, at the end of a round a player commented 'dat steal'. I said 'i did 1k dmg..' 'was stolen from me..' and was gagged by rocky. Because I didn't want to reconnect (even though I had a valid reason, since the gag was abuse) I changed my name to 'do you want an abuse report rocky?' Rocky responded by kicking me with the reason 'yes pls'. So, here's your abuse report, rocky.

It reflects very poorly on EH that you not only let this immature kid (I assume he must be a kid) be an admin, you also let him into your clan. Hope you do something about him.

On a side note - the overall admin quality has gone WAY WAY downhill over the last year. Yes, there are some very good admins around, but a lot of the active ones abuse on a regular basis. I see admins do things like what rocky did to me quite regularly, and only a small fraction of them get reported. To Niko/Dean/other SAs: I think you need to reevaluate a LOT of your current admins.


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Niko/Dean/rocky/other SAs/H@'s
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It was only a gag, I don't think you need to make a thread about it. It would've been lifted the nextmap. Shouldn't have been a gag in the first place yeah, but it's hardly something to make a report about.
I made the report because it was a gag and a kick during the middle of a round, if it had been only a gag I probably wouldn't have.

I also made the report because this type of thing happens in the server all the time, with many different admins. If you guys don't care, that's fine, its your server. But condoning that type of behavior isn't exactly the way to keep your community and your server popularity. So, for all the posters before Dean: laugh at me, keep on doin what your doin, and then be utterly surprised when your community slowly starts dying. I've seen it many times before.
I made the report because it was a gag and a kick during the middle of a round, if it had been only a gag I probably wouldn't have.

I also made the report because this type of thing happens in the server all the time, with many different admins. If you guys don't care, that's fine, its your server. But condoning that type of behavior isn't exactly the way to keep your community and your server popularity. So, for all the posters before Dean: laugh at me, keep on doin what your doin, and then be utterly surprised when your community slowly starts dying. I've seen it many times before.

It's not that we don't care, quite the opposite. The reason this forum is here is to report admin abuse, if you don't post about all these admins and events that you say are happening then how will we know? We try our best to keep on eye on things and make sure our admins are doing a proper job, but we can't be on every server 24/7 to observe every event. If you see someone abusing or such then make sure to report it.
It was only a gag cause u flamed alot. I kicked you because you provoke me with changing the name, rocky you want a admin abuse report?. I dont need that shit really. I checked your chats, i give you a warn of inappropriate language now cause saying retards, idiots, fucking idiots, moron, dumbass and stealing name of allstar. AND stop flaming all the time
u dont want learn it dammmmn? insult in forum too? i will extend your ban.
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I wont make other post, just saying that ban bouth players, not one like it was in this situation!!!
Heh 3 day ban already, mby make perm? ... and my words in prewious post seem pretty legit!
oh no a kick bestio cause he change the name to want a admin abuse report. im created this all here and dont need ppl like him
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oh no a kick bestio cause he change the name to want a admin abuse report. im created this all here and dont need ppl like him

Ok this is obvious guys, HA has spoken and he's clear. This can go endless.... Case solved and closed.
It's not that we don't care, quite the opposite. The reason this forum is here is to report admin abuse, if you don't post about all these admins and events that you say are happening then how will we know? We try our best to keep on eye on things and make sure our admins are doing a proper job, but we can't be on every server 24/7 to observe every event. If you see someone abusing or such then make sure to report it.

It was only a gag, I don't think you need to make a thread about it. It would've been lifted the nextmap. Shouldn't have been a gag in the first place yeah, but it's hardly something to make a report about.

So, if they are little abuses you're saying don't make a thread about it? I see little abuses all the time... I understand that you don't know unless players report them.. which is why I am reporting them.

oh no a kick bestio cause he change the name to want a admin abuse report. im created this all here and dont need ppl like him

So, after being legitimately abused (see what Dean said), you decide that me asking you if I should create an abuse report is, what, an insult? Pointing out that you abused me and telling you I'm making an abuse thread is an insult? Or, what are you saying?

And you don't need people like me? People that report admin abuse? I see. You're really just making my point for me and justifying this thread, thanks.
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From what rocky said it doesn't even sound like abuse.. But anyway, case closed.
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