Handled# Abuse Report: Schobi - Soph - Havoc


Well-Known Member
29 Jun 2016
Admin's Name: Schobi - Soph - Havoc

Time and date: 13.11.2016 00:00

Description: Ich habe Schobi nachgefragt warum das er in der unban request "Bernhard" gelogen hat und er gibt mir ein antwort von " Say it in english. You wont get it anyway. " Soph meinte dass ich mit mein name wieder provoziert habe und Schobi meinte dass der grund "Du bist ronin" war. Das darf keiner admin sagen das ist kein grund für ein ban/kick/gag/slay usw. So was mit havoc los ist er kommt in jeder situation rein zwischen ich und Schobi. Ich will dass er nicht einmischt und mich in Ruhe lässt. Ich darf mich nennen wie ich will und wenn ich provoziere mit mein ding dann müssen die Admins mir ein gültiges Beweis zeigen. Die tun es einfach nicht un sagen hör auf damit hör auf hör auf. Womit soll ich aufhören alter. Ein admin muss mich antworten wenn ich ein wichtiges frage darstelle. Warum lügt schobi? Warum sagt der etwas anderes obwohl ich es gar nicht gesagt habe? Einfach dürfen die nicht. Ihr sagt zu mein jeder satz dass ich damit jemanden provoziere. Lol geh mal ins Krankenhaus oder so was ist euer problem mit mir. Wenn ich mein antworten haben will muss ein admin mir es dann geben. Egal ob ich auf Deutsch oder Englisch schreibe. Ist ja halt English & German only oder? So die 3 admins die ich in der überschrift genannt habe müssen sich mal verbessern. Wie könnt ihr das machen? Einfach. --> Nicht lügen / Nicht versuchen ein Spieler in einem Käfig zu halten / Nicht immer sagen dass jemanden mit sein Sätzen provoziert / Nicht immer sagen wenn es euch nicht gut tut "Just stop. Be grow and Just stop". Ihr sollt euch erstmal mit dem bots hier beschäftigen bevor ihr was mit mir macht. Ihr sagt dass ihr immer ein Report braucht um ein Spieler zu strafen (Sagt nur Schobi). In der server spielt ca. 6500 leute und 6000 davon machen immer scheiße dinge auf dem server und ihr seht das einfach nicht? Wie kanns möglich sein. Vor eure augen wird jemanden "blockiert, beleidigt, stress gemacht" und ihr sieht die nicht? Aber ganz genau sieht ihr mich? Hör auf immer eure Blick auf mich zu halten sondern es gibt noch 6000+ Leute die in der server Rulebreak machen. Hier mit sage ich dass ihr endlich mal Aufwachen sollt. JUST WAKE UP.

Extra = https://forum.elite-hunterz.info/showthread.php/8431-Abuse-Report-Havoc -- Warum schlägt havoc die anderen leute runter die damit garnicht zutun haben? Unfair Unfair Unfair. Und die anderen sagen hier einfach dass die admins kein Proofs braucht wenn die jemanden bannen oder so. Warum soll Lotus denn havoc ein Beweis zeigen obwohl er garnicht muss? Havoc schlägt andere personen runter weil er die garnicht gekriegt hat oder so? (Lotus: The other night when myself and another were in a certain spot playing zombie survival and after havoc decided he couldn't get us he slapped us both down.)

On which server did this happen? (Specify either the name or the ip): Zombie Hunting v1

Reporting an abuse is a serious matter. Do you hold all the proofs requested for an abuse request?: Yes
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Well-Known Member
Gameserver Admin
EliteHunterz Clan Member
6 May 2015
Ehm, can someone translate so i can actually understand one word?

And keep other abusereports that doesnt even make sence in this case out of this please.
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Well-Known Member
29 Jun 2016
Description: I have asked Schobi why he lied in the unban request "Bernhard" and he gives me an answer from "Say it in english." You wont get it anyway. "Soph said that I had provoked with my name again and Schobi Said that the reason "You're ronin" was. This can not say any admin that is no reason for a ban / kick / gag / slay etc. So what with havoc los is he comes in every situation purely between me and Schobi. I want him not to interfere and leave me alone. I can call myself as I want and when I provoke with my thing then the admins must show me a valid proof. They just do not stop talking and stop listening. What shall I stop old. An admin has to answer me when I ask an important question. Why is schobi lying? Why does he say something else although I did not say it? They can not. You say to my every sentence that I provoke someone. Lol go to the hospital or something is your problem with me. If I want to have my answer an admin must give it to me then. Whether I write in German or English. Is yes halt English & German only or? So the 3 admins which I have mentioned in the headline must improve times. How can you do that? Easy. -> Do not lie / Do not try to hold a player in a cage / Do not always say that someone is provoked with his sentences / Do not always say if you do not do well "Just stop. You should first deal with the bots here before you do something with me. You say that you always need a report to punish a player (Says only Schobi). In the server plays about 6500 people and 6000 of it always make shit things on the server and you just can not see it? How can it be possible. Before your eyes, someone is "blocked, insulted, stressed" and you do not see it? But exactly do you see me? Listen forever to keep your eyes on me, but there are still 6000+ people in the server Rulebreak make. Here with I say that you should finally wake up. JUST WAKE UP.

Extra = https://forum.elite-hunterz.info/sho...e-Report-Havoc - Why does havoc beat the other people who do not have to do with it? Unfair Unfair Unfair. And the others here simply say that the admins does not need proofs when someone ban or something. Why should Lotus show havoc a proof although he does not have to? Havoc beats others down because he got the garnicht or something? (Lotus: The other night when I was in a certain spot playing zombie survival and after havoc.



Well-Known Member
Gameserver Admin
EliteHunterz Clan Member
6 May 2015
You kept asking Schobi the same question, he gave you an answer, that he already explained everything on that abusereport. You had your answer, and yet you kept on going. We told you stop, you still kept going. You then wrote "du pussy" to Schobi which made him gag you. Its as simple as that. Dont know how you get this to abuse tbh.


Retired SPA/HA
Retired SPA/HA
27 Sep 2014
Alright so, first of all what abuse has been done?

Second, please keep other reports out of this.

Third, we punish and ban players for breaking the rules every single day yet we can't see everything that happens, also we know which players to keep an eye out for.


Well-Known Member
29 Jun 2016
Alright so, first of all what abuse has been done?

You guys are don't take a look at other rulebreakers (6000ppl).
Schobi Lying.
You guys only close the topic if you guys are wrong. Just give up that you guys are wrong.
If you are wrong and you do not find a place to suck your bang, you are bursting with us. (gag/ban etc..)
You guys mean like "All the ppl whose are not Admin, they are our slave"
Stop only looking at me or Kiinq. There are more ppl whose rulebreaking with us. (If we insulting for example I said amk and another player said it too after like 10secs and you punishing me with 2hours gag and him not.)
Do not always protect eachother. If some Admin did wrong then you guys can't say that he has right.
If the players are annoying with his name or playstyle (schobi) you guys are punishing them. Thats not true.
You guys always having a Proof, if the player say no I didn't etc. (For example Kiinq changes his name into Bernhard a few days ago and Schobi means that is provoking. Why? Because of he is Kiinq. You guys have to always show us a valid Proof.)
Why Advaldo, Alawy, Almighty don't giving fuck if we do anything wrong(rulebreak) ? They punishing us and the end. But you guys wearing your heads to us. Thats not true. You guys can't Punish a player bcs he annoying you with his name, playstlye etc.
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when life gives me lemons, I rtv
Staff member
Head Admin
EliteHunterz Clan Member
25 Mar 2010
Honestly i feel like i am working at a kindergarten.

First of all, I don't care if someone is lying, lying isn't something i punish for.
second, anyone can use whatever name they want ingame, however we don't tolerate harassing, using an admin's name against his will just to troll (it's up to us to decide whether it's trolling or not) is not acceptable, just don't.
Punishing rulebreakers is being done since 2009, the banlist is very long and it grows day by day, this means our admins are actively checking the game and making sure to do their best (we're not perfect nor robots)
Our players are welcome and are no "slaves", we offer gameservers for free (not counting the ads) and provide admins to moderate it. We expect players to enjoy our spaces but to also respect those who volunteer to keep the places clean.
On the other hand, I or another head admin will talk to Schobi and understand if there are some personal issues with you and make sure to solve them.

Now let's please stop this nonsense and enjoy the game without messing around and wasting our precious time.

Thank you.


Retired SPA/HA
Retired SPA/HA
27 Sep 2014
Lying is not your problem, I understand you but if I become some punishment what I didn't and someone of Admins lying "you did etc.." Why should I get banned If one Admin lies? If you want to know More then add me --> http://stats.elite-hunterz.info/hlstats.php?mode=playerinfo&player=1108500 here I am. And Kiinq will btw too that you add him. He want to say something to you.

As far as i know the admin punished you for blocking, i don't see the lying in that, the ban you got was for teaming some days ago now. I doubt Niko can be arsed to add you on steam to talk about something as pointless as this, just let it go, stop provoking Schobi and everybody is happy. If you can't do that and want to keep this childish thing going then you can sooner or later expect a ban for provoking and ignoring admins in game.
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Well-Known Member
29 Jun 2016
Schobi frozed and slayed me for blocking. Yes true this is not lying, but after he frozed me he kicked me for my "stupid answer". I only said him after he frozed me "Du noob" You can check my chatlog. But Schobi means that I blocked (true) and said that the players whose blocked by me should use their !zstuck (lie). Schobi said that I said after he punished me for blocking (slay + frozing) "use !zstuck then" and he mean that is provoking too. But I didn't said it, so he lies.