[added] Introducing new map: zm_vicissitude


Well-Known Member
EliteHunterz Clan Member
13 Dec 2020
Some of you might have played it already. I post it here so its easier to keep track of the newest version. Plus we we might get better at spelling "vicissitude" now (including me) :D ehh who am i kidding..



  • zm_vicissitude_v3.bsp
    19 MB · Views: 136

- Patched a hole that allowed players to get outside of the intended playable area
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Wait a moment, I know this map from somewhere... feels like I tested it quite a lot...
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If any special admins have time i hope we can get the latest version posted here (version 3) uploaded for testing. I have spend 200+ hours on the map and i would greatly appreciate getting a sense of closure for the map. Hope someone can find time or get back to me about when they might be able to.

Edit: I noticed the title has been changed to [Test Needed]. Does this mean that version 3 has already been uploaded?
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Hello mate,

I marked all maps that need to be reviewen by SPA and uploaded afterwards with "test needed".

This one is uploaded now for testing on both servers.
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Okay, im glad to hear that and thank you.

If its okay with you, a msg here in a addition would be nice so i get a notifikation.
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added to v3's nomination - thank you @Molsted
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