Any tips for people who are new to surfing?

Practice.. Practice.. Practice... Practice... Practice! even if you feel like your not progressing, Take a break and go back in with a fresh mind, Every time you run you get slightly better!
Kind of hard to explain surf, but be good at strafing and aiming etc.
Okay of what I know to become a good surfer you must first.

Join a surf server.
start on a simple but popular map.
Use only A and D to surf on the ramp.
Ask people if you need help.
Dont give up, honestly you will get annoyed or angry and think its impossible but it isnt.
Never use W or S on normal surfing.
Be nice and make friends where you can talk to them when you surf to keep you entertained.
Stay low on the ramp if you need to keep speed.
DO NOT CROUCH unless needed.
Do not flick like crazy you will lose speed.
Stay smooth on the ramps and try to land on the other ramps fluently and calmly.

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