[Application] AlawY

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Well-Known Member
EliteHunterz Clan Member
Retired SPA/HA
12 Oct 2012
In-game name: AlawY

Age: 21, 1991-01-11.

Steam username: Evilbone279

Can you speak english and german?: I do speak English, not German.

Clan history (if none, leave blank): e´S[Excellent Shooters] Long time ago (CS1.6).

Any serious bans before?: No, never been.

Do you have a microphone?: Yes I do

Why do you desire becoming part of the Elite Hunterz (This is important): I have been playing in your servers for a while now and I do like it, also started to know new nice members. Admins sometime online to check and keeping order.

I stopped playing css a few years ago due to family issues but now I’m Back.

Where you referred to this clan? If Yes, Who referred you?: I was not referred.

Last but not least: tell something about you, your life, your hobbies, etc etc: I'm 21 years old, I live in south Sweden. I'm a nice person, shows respect to people around me and try to help when I can.

My goal in life is to become a police officer. My hobbies is going out with friends, playing online together. Being with my family etc.

Best Regards!
Good luck with your application.

I will be the one to judge your fate.

SPA Ash.
Thank you:)
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