Application for The Viper

The Viper

Ex Admin
18 Dec 2011
Norway, Oslo
In-game name: The Viper

Age: 19(20 in October)

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:41086763

Steam username: headhunter_r

Can you speak english and german?: I can speak English but when it comes to german, I understand the language but I kinda fail on the grammar xD

Clan history (if none, leave blank): ʟн, ŽĐT(but this clan is down from what got blunt said)

Any serious bans before?: Never ever got banned in EH. My only ban in CSS is one that I got because a friend of me who own the server, wanted to test out that the unban settings worked for him.

Do you have a microphon? Yes.

Why do you desire becoming part of the Elite Hunterz (This is important): It's something that I would love to be. My past 2 clans got sort of shut down and It would be way nicer to have a more permanent clan who doesn't shut down. Also the EH members is some people I love to talk to, even though about 2+ of them doesn't go to Spec to catch the cheaters when they get the chat inbox spammed with "player is suspected of using trigger cheat: auto-fire (2)". Besides that, I love the EH members a lot :).

Where you referred to this clan? If Yes, Who referred you?: Nobody

Last but not least:tell something about you, your life, your hobbies, etc etc: I am planning on making an intro video for the EH servers with some amazing music tracks. It's not just a video where somebody just play their favourite music track but also where you have some very interesting and epic voice tracks. I also play a lot on the V3 server :)
PS: I have no idea how to use colours for the text so apologies for that xD.
yeee, gl
Good luck mate... just be patient :)
Dear The Viper,

u even needed to wait 3 more weeks than OBEY, but i finally made my decision !

Welcome to EH! We would love to have you in our clan aswell! :)

Enjoy your stay ! :)
gratz gratz gratz
Congrats Viber :p