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Sonic X

9 Jan 2012
Hey [EH],

Age: 15

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:21547762

Steam username: suisideowner

Can you speak english and german?: NO, only English!

Clan history (if none, leave blank): Deadly HunterZ

Any serious bans before?: NO

Do you have a microphon? Yes

Why do you desire becoming part of the Elite Hunterz (This is important):
You have such some great servers, great community and great members wich are pros so i decided to fight with the pros togheter ;)

Where you referred to this clan? If Yes, Who referred you?: Nobody, just my mind ;)

Last but not least:tell something about you, your life, your hobbies, etc etc: I like gaming, that´s almost the only thing i do ;) im 5 hours + online/active ;)
hey, what is your ingame name?
1. today i made 400 points in 1 hour so 110 points for 1 day is really really bad
2. dont post useless stuff in the application
3. DO NOT post in other applications
and 4. good luck
Yea.. my average score per hour is 549, but I guess it's fair to say that sonic x hasn't really played much and was or is probably still getting kills to get normal scores,
so let's not read into it that much.

Anyways, good luck. : )
well i didn´t said i did that in 1 hour!! just in 10-20 minutes, cuz a map doesnt have 1 hour duration! and BTW ill post that screenhot soon!
thnx sixau, you understand me ;)
(i didnt play on EH server for long time maybe 2 months, but i came back cuz i missed it)
BTW: when you start spectating me?
You will be spectated at random occacions I think.

And I recommend that you start playing on V2, more hunters and EH are most active there.

Also a bit more of a challenge than V1.

By the way, you seem to already be in a clan called Zombie fun crew...
Sonic X said:
im not in zfc anymore i left it before i applied here

Okey, just wanted to make sure.

Anyways Phanty and the HA will be the judge whether you join or not, so be active on our servers and we'll see.
Don´t worry about that;)
I always wanted to be a member of EH!

I finaly got my chances!

And please spectate me on v1, im allot on there, if not accept, warn me pls:p
no need to post all time now, i will spectate you soon, now chill and dont always post new stuff, thanks and good luck

btw. are you from portugal?
No, i´m from Holland but at the moment i´m in Portugal.
In april i´ll go back to Holland ;)

I´m just curiously: why you want to know that?
because i checked your id and saw that you got banned A LOT times on lots of servers for lots of different reasons and i also checked where you live and it said "portugal."
it could be my brothers, but thats my responsebility, if so than i garentee it wont happend anymore ;)

+: send me your steam name
and add me already: suisideowner
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