I take credit for killing one player in demo #1 and one player in demo #3. It is frustrating building up a cade on lift that gets destroyed by coming players. That way the enemy has easy access to the top of that room. So I took self-justice and killed those two players intentionally. I am aware that it is still against the rules and I will accept any punishment given. I apologize to those who I interfered with in their gameplay. I try to discontinue teamkilling on that particular spot.
Even tho, two more players die in demo #3, I don't know why you blame it on me.
Plus, the sticking-out stairs at the bottom of the room are bugged anyway. By jumping on the next moving platform, players sometimes automatically kill others who are stuck in or behind oneself. That issue is already known, but has never been fixed.
In demo #2, #4, and #5. I can not relate on killing someone. I may use other players to get on top faster. But if people get stuck and kill themselves, do not blame it on me.
Addtional information: I have a total of 4 bans which 2 of them were rejected. So please aknowledge that I only have 2 bans from September 2014. Not proud of any of them.
Source: bans.elite-hunterz.info/index.php?p=banlist&searchText=1nfo&Submit=Search