Ban Request: Kiinq/toffifee

Nuntiuz Cudi

Ex Admin
18 Jan 2015
Man On the Moon
Name: Kiinq/toffifee

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:120541586 STEAM_0:0:151412053

Server: Zombie Hunting V1

Time and Date: 21-12-2015

Reason: Game/Map exploit, Teamkilling

Additional Information:

was playing late and night around 3 am with my brother 4way was playin I was eatin some noodles first watching kiinq couse hes a good hunter so I have somethin to watch. Suddenly he killed a ct friend on purpose I was like oke once. I just told him that that was not a good deed he done. few minutes later they where zombies and started to press to door button well lets just say watch the demo then you know enough ;).

Cudi =3

Proof: Demo
Hello Nuntiuz Cudi,

I will be more than glad to handle Your ban request and check the demo which You have submitted. I will get back to You shortly with the verdict, so I would kindly ask of You to be patient while I review everything.
We thank You for taking Your time in writing this ban request and reporting the player to ensure that the players are offered the best possible experience on our servers. We hope that You enjoy yourself and have a pleasant day.
