Name: Kiinq/toffifee
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:120541586 STEAM_0:0:151412053
Server: Zombie Hunting V1
Time and Date: 21-12-2015
Reason: Game/Map exploit, Teamkilling
Additional Information:
was playing late and night around 3 am with my brother 4way was playin I was eatin some noodles first watching kiinq couse hes a good hunter so I have somethin to watch. Suddenly he killed a ct friend on purpose I was like oke once. I just told him that that was not a good deed he done. few minutes later they where zombies and started to press to door button well lets just say watch the demo then you know enough
Cudi =3
Proof: Demo
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:120541586 STEAM_0:0:151412053
Server: Zombie Hunting V1
Time and Date: 21-12-2015
Reason: Game/Map exploit, Teamkilling
Additional Information:
was playing late and night around 3 am with my brother 4way was playin I was eatin some noodles first watching kiinq couse hes a good hunter so I have somethin to watch. Suddenly he killed a ct friend on purpose I was like oke once. I just told him that that was not a good deed he done. few minutes later they where zombies and started to press to door button well lets just say watch the demo then you know enough
Cudi =3
Proof: Demo