heyo, after lookin through the demo a couple of times it looked like they all were stressed to get in, in the start of the demo you can see that ttotoooo had 2 CT's behind him also shooting at the barricade, while he had a shotgun and a USP which basically doesn't even move barricade a bit, in my opinion the CTs behind him did break it more than he did, also you can see ShQiPoNjA runnin in the room in a stress.
I would leave a warning to everyone in that room first If I saw that happening on the server, they seemed to be very stressed out and mispositioned to keep the barricades intact. At the end everyone got in the room and no one died
I hope you can understand my point and can see why I don't feel like punshing anyone.
Thanks for the request though, Incase of future mistakes these names will be remembered
So as said, Im not gonna ban anyone. Unless a HA/SPA sees something I don't.