Name Verazus
SteamID U:1:208103517
Server Zombie Hunting V3
Time and Date now
Ban Reason Teamkilling
Additional Information
Trying to hit the ones jumping down on 4away on purpose.
often when i wait and check (should just been admin by the way), theres someone doing it like every 1/3 time im there.
and waiting there also kills me alot faster, thug life.
Proof Demo
SteamID U:1:208103517
Server Zombie Hunting V3
Time and Date now
Ban Reason Teamkilling
Additional Information
Trying to hit the ones jumping down on 4away on purpose.
often when i wait and check (should just been admin by the way), theres someone doing it like every 1/3 time im there.
and waiting there also kills me alot faster, thug life.
Proof Demo