Invalid crash test dummy admin abuse


7 Feb 2017
i miss spelt ztele with x tele and recieved a 2 day mute.. while still in the game he has kicked multiple people with out reason.. his reason was ( ;-] ) a winky face, someone asked on my behalf why did you mute blazed sun he speaks english,, his reply was because he failed... ive never experiencied this admin but by the looks of it he deffenitly abusing his power... he teled, kicked. muted more people in one game than ive ever seen any admin do in 5 hours... if hes gunna mute people for saying LAWL,, maybe he needs a lesson on english,, he mutes people for speakng english and says englush and geman only.. at first he gave me a 10 minute mute,, then upgraded to 30 min,, than 2 days,, before i ever became un muted,, and said he based that on 2 previous gags, im sorry but crash test dummy should not have admin, very un pleasent, un ressonable. un informed admin.