Handled+ [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: Aha*gunpower*


Well-Known Member
14 Apr 2022
Gamemode [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM]

Ingame name Dσραɱιɳҽ

SteamID STEAM_0:1:753291720

Ban/Gag reason insulting on multi-account

Desired outcome Reduce the length of my punishment

Statement of grounds
Hello dier lovers and haters campers and hunters ! Weekend is coming and my pulss is pumping !

I woud like from heart apologise my bad manier in game i have talked with other living person on earth same as me where we all must be equal. I know as well i did bad mouth or be ofensive in forum as well. Some had sayed some peoples learn faster or later but some do never - i woud be in shame if i woud need pick myself in category who dose not learn never from mistakes . I know i can be problematic as well i know you not hear this from me the first time. i had sayed i had be forgive and here we are again .My limits and value on word runs out and that makes myself in fear and on some kind of quastion myself but all i can answer is i trully from heart apologise every single person i have be beef here and server. It's so match ways to choose how react on situation when someone ofend you - everything can be okey and self-explanatory but as well it all have limits a limits i had break more than once . i woud like to aks for forgivness and to give me a chance to prove my worth of word one last time - i can not promiss but i can nothing lose to try and just behave as simple as that is .

I had be pernament gaged by Easy and i trully understand every single aspect what did lead to it and it woud be not fair to say Easy is bad admin or anything like that. We had be in talks for mounths and i just never lisnn but instead be in my arogance or what ever it was in days where i choose be in worth less than a shit.

In my main acc it says it is 2023-05-10 for 2 mounths and that what i woud like to ask to reduce the lenght of my punishment and that woud be 2023-06-10 be able to use comunication in way i coud earn back worth of my word .

With respect and love for each single admin here as well single random forum visitor - i wish great weekend and 2023 !
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Hello Aha*gunpower*,

EH is a forgiving community - hopefully you will show us that we are right to give so many chances. I switched your gags and from now on your old account (which you told me not to use anymore) is permanently muted while your new account is gagged for 2 months, which expires 2023-05-10 20:39:53 (server time).

Have a nice weekend!
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Hello Aha*gunpower*,

EH is a forgiving community - hopefully you will show us that we are right to give so many chances. I switched your gags and from now on your old account (which you told me not to use anymore) is permanently muted while your new account is gagged for 2 months, which expires 2023-05-10 20:39:53 (server time).

Have a nice weekend!
nah swithc it back as it was . You got me wrong sir. Now it is even worst. I mean in my second acc as well i be able use and talk . I do not know but here have a lot persons with multi profiles - i do not know a single game where it woud be prohibited as well i really do not even know how it is about here . I always has thought it is no problem cuz you by IP still can truck all down and conect accounts so it makes me even more wonder where is a problem. A person comed in server say bad and i just went in my style old manier what i had be sayed i try to change . It was my 11 where it instant pernament and than in my main acc STEAM_0:0:131561988 you sir put 2 mounths. I have learned my lesson in hard way and i am confuse where woud be a problem to use my other acc where in my main i can not be able show my best as well in picture as other gamers do things - i do not even try that type of gaming -only thing is my mouth .

If after this you or anyone say gaming games with multi steam profiles is prohibited and be instant PERNAMENT for all cause no metter what - well than i will stop. But that make- i do not know what to say more -that all what i know about steam and games i had be played - that something really really really new. But i do respect each of leadership here any dession what is made and i want to be that justice folower in good behave .

I am apologise for missunderstanding .
I did take a sleep and i have more clear mind . A lot times when i can not handl things when i am in main account STEAM_0:0:131561988 than i do switch on my second one STEAM_0:1:753291720 when i can no more think analyse game situations and form heart deep down ther i trully can say when i have be inaf off :
1) gamers who nade zombies in me ;
2) all the ways zombies has be knived/shooted in me;
3) edgers is ruining game ;
4) for some kind of reason persons who join server or has just be slayed as zombie and start as human and because of 6 secundes thay do have - thay slow anyone and i mean you can be stuck so hard and be killed by zombie and it is such a madness when you got stuck one of tham and zstuck as privilige is dominate for person who have that free 6 secundes when ct is untouchable and list goes on .

I am not who try like worie much about it but have mouments when everything goes against you and like a puzzle i have inaf than i like my other acc as well for troll do stupid nades because in my mind why others can be dummy and i can not ? Some can recive even 20 bans . I am more than sure that person as well use other accs (accounts) where i belive every single admin is aware of that person and all his acc and what is going on and still give multiple chances with litll puninshment so here i am wiht 1 episode from other account where it was 2 person insult exchange where i belive for that person was his 6 and he got ONLY 3 HOURS while you sir gived me PERNAMENT GAG and in my main 2 mounths , You know i can understand a lot of things but sometimes it is hard to find with what i am difrent from others sir? Sometimes is hard to behave and take a place where i shoud kiss every single foot who try to push me down because thats how it sometimes dose feel.

I knowed i did deserve punishment but i try just to understand tings here how it works for cuz for me system is difrent but for others - others have thay sytem where you do not need kiss a foot because it all as it feels sometimes and i better writte things out for clearance . i do not meant with this bad meanig i know it is ME and than have OTHERS .

I woud be happy to recive back pernament gag in acc STEAM_0:1:753291720 .
I woud be happy to recive back 2 mounth gag in acc STEAM_0:0:131561988.

If after this you or anyone say gaming games with multi steam profiles is prohibited and be instant PERNAMENT for all cause no metter what - well than i will stop.
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