Denied [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: mSyy

1) you are not using a cheat
2) if you're using a cheat, you're using something smart that makes you bhop not perfectly but considerably better than the average pro bhopper
3) you are using scripts (like ingame or through a mouse macro) that can time jumps quite well.
For example if you know your average "in flight" time is 0.5 seconds, you can time a macro so that it sends a series of jump commands between 0.48 seconds and 0.52 seconds and while not always perfect (~80%) it's good enough to beat a human bhop.
4) you're the most lucky player on our servers and your beyond human abilities allow you to hit perfect jumps 80% of the times (pro bhoppers rarely reach 65%)
I understand Nik but i find that trying to find a cheat that only merely helps you become above the average bhopper is a waste of time no? It is entirely possible to be above average player through skill, better connection to the server, and higher fps. All of which i have or at least more than the average player on here?

The numbers above did not prove anything? All it said was that it could be this, or it could be that. Simply it COULD be a script. OR its an ABOVE AVERAGE PLAYER. And yet I'm permanently banned...

You cannot hold a bias in this matter and disregard a players natural abilities?

There are barely any good bhoppers on this server. And as such if one exists, its flags here and there. "The nail that sticks out gets hammered" and hammered hard

You also mentioned that i'm the most lucky player and have beyond human abilities to hit jumps 80% of the time. Firstly i don't hit 80% of the time. what you see is when i get flagged is when it shows 80%. And when i don't get flagged and bhop at any other time it fluctuates anywhere from 45-80%. And im not the most lucky player as i don't even fit in the top 10 of the best bhoppers on NIDE and UNLOZE. On their servers they have the most gifted, talented and legit bhoppers. I did not once get flagged on their server for using a bhop script.

If you're convinced that i'm using a cheater/hacker/abuser then that simply means your leaning on a hunch or a chance. You're basically being biased. The evidence above could mean anything and go either way.

You cannot permanently ban someone under these conditions until more investigation is concluded.

For those who are not in the know, i had to speak with a lead server admin called Striiker to confirm my innocence. The screenshot of our conversation is attached.

Honestly Nik the way you put together that last two sentences together makes it look like i actually am a bhop scripter. I really thought that you would know better. but it seems to me that its all about what admins want to think rather than how they need to think.


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I understand Nik but i find that trying to find a cheat that only merely helps you become above the average bhopper is a waste of time no? It is entirely possible to be above average player through skill, better connection to the server, and higher fps. All of which i have or at least more than the average player on here?
having a higher FPS makes it exponentially harder to bhop. In fact, people used to "cheat" by lowering their FPS. that's because the tickrate of the server is 66 (1s/66hz=16ms) if your fps is 240 that means your game processes the game 244 times a second which is making it harder for you to hit that perfect 15ms slot, if you have your fps set to 30 you almost double your chances of hitting the slot.
There is no way in proving that such a script exists. All of the numbers above only shows that there COULD be a script -OR you're dealing with an ABOVE AVERAGE PLAYER.
well above average. it's not a linear curve, it's exponentially harder to get better perfs
You cannot hold a bias in this matter and go with the script and disregard a players natural abilities?
I absolutely hate bias in judgement, that's why I always go by numbers, statistics and probability. Math is the ultimate truth
There are barely any good bhoppers on this server. And as such if one exists, its flags here and there. "The nail that sticks out gets hammered"
now, that's an unfounded statement. We log all instances of suspicious bhops and there are several extremely good bhoppers, even if we only had 1, how comes they NEVER trigger the detection?
You also mentioned that i'm the most lucky player and have beyond human abilities to hit jumps 80% of the time. Firstly i don't hit 80% of the time. what you see is when i get flagged is when it shows 80%. And when i don't get flagged and bhop at any other time it fluctuates anywhere from 45-80%. And im not the most lucky player as i don't even fit in the top 10 of the best bhoppers on NIDE and UNLOZE. On their servers they have the most gifted, talented and legit bhoppers. I did not once get flagged on their server for using a bhop script.
I don't know how other servers monitor their players. For example the default setting for the plugin is 90%, we have it lower than that which means we catch more people that would otherwise barely get by on other servers.
If you're convinced that i'm using a cheater/hacker/abuser then that simply means your leaning on a hunch or a chance. You're basically being biased. The evidence above could mean anything and go either way.
the probability of you being inhumanely better than all other bhoppers vs you using some sort of macro/script/smart cheat makes taking this decision a math problem, not a bias problem. Also I really do not take any pleasure from seeing a player that has been playing on our servers for years get banned. It's actually sad and I wish this never happened
You cannot permanently ban someone under these conditions until more investigation is concluded.
That's up to us to decide, you're obviously biased against a ban because it involves you.
For those who are not in the know, i had to speak with a lead server admin called Striiker to confirm my innocence. The screenshot of our conversation is attached.
We don't know how Striiker analyzes these logs, what we know is that we have 12 years of experience with handling bhop hacks
I honestly thought the senior admins would know better but it seems to me that its all about what they want to think rather than what they need to think.
I'd disagree, admins usually know better than me because they are way more active ingame than I am. But I'd agree that on a technical perspective I have a pretty clear idea on how our anti-cheat system works and I trust it a lot. this is not really a borderline case imho, and if other admins/SPAs agree then I am tempted to say our opinions align for a reason.
Uploaded are .dem files for any sane admins out there that are looking for a scripters. Well here's what they look like and what the numbers should look like. And don't go by hunch as the 2 admins above would like you to think.


  • wozuu.dem
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  • m1.dem
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  • xyn.dem
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  • 団子.dem
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  • demo2.dem
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  • demo1.dem
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  • demo_ramirez.dem
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  • coca_Script.dem
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Uploaded are .dem files for any sane admins out there that are looking for a scripters. Well here's what they look like and what the numbers should look like. And don't go by hunch as the 2 admins above would like you to think.
Like Niko explained above we know how scripts look like, some of the demos you linked above are of people using scripts blantanly and not trying to hide it.

I consider me and blue very skilled bhoppers and we out bhop people on NIDE and UNLOZE frequently :) most of the UNLOZE people know blue as its old i3d which we have played on for many many years and Niko even was an high up admin there. NIDE i know for a fact Dont care about scripters so you mentioning them Dont prove anything.

Like Niko explained above we go for facts, and we trust our plugins. None and i mean none legit gets flagged this many times and the Only ones that gets flagged this many times are using some kind of bhop script with a bypass.

Also you are trying to angle this case in a way so we seem like we have No idea What we are doing. Case closed you are more then welcome to buy another account and play on our servers and behave.
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just curious would you be open to show us how you PRO bhop on our v1 server private?
OK bring it. I'm even open to using your own pc to show you my bhops, not even kidding. All i'm saying is that i want a fair opportunity to prove myself that I'm not the person you think I am. I know i'm legit. I know i can bhop. And i certainly 100% from the life in me know that i don't need a script to considered good.