Gamemode [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM]
Ingame name
SteamID STEAM_0:0:73535902
Ban/Gag reason multi-hack
Desired outcome Lift my punishment
Statement of grounds
The demo submitted with my ban clearly shows no sign of a multi-hack, not sure if the admin meant to kick me and hit ban by accident but i've never hacked and have enjoyed playing on the server for hundreds of hours without any issues up until this point? Thanks
Ingame name
SteamID STEAM_0:0:73535902
Ban/Gag reason multi-hack
Desired outcome Lift my punishment
Statement of grounds
The demo submitted with my ban clearly shows no sign of a multi-hack, not sure if the admin meant to kick me and hit ban by accident but i've never hacked and have enjoyed playing on the server for hundreds of hours without any issues up until this point? Thanks