Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: Dantos l'imposteur


Active Member
17 Dec 2023
Name Dantos l'imposteur

SteamID STEAM_0:0:209337620

Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3

Time and Date 24.12.23 05:02 Germany time

Report Reason Killing teammates on Purpose, Blocking/Ruining the gameplay

Additional Information
He blocked me 4 times in previous 2 rounds trying to get to the same spot visible in demo

Proof Demo
here is the demo file ,, first demo in my life ..
but that guy needs some ban


  • Dantos blocking.dem
    351.1 KB · Views: 98
Hello and thank you for your inquiry,

I have reviewed the uploaded demo, and I can confirm that the player did an intentional manoeuvre in order to block you. I will gladly issue a ban here, but you have missed out the "status" command in console before or after starting your demo. I cannot validate that the reported player is the one in cause, and not another player using the same nickname.

Remember, at the end of the demo, write status in your console, eventually take a screenshot of it and post it together with your dem. file.

Also, it is very important that you bind "/zstuck" command. Activate the command as soon as you jump, or even in mid air if you are fast enough, and you will go thru the player that is trying to block or is in the way.
Hello and thank you for your inquiry,

I have reviewed the uploaded demo, and I can confirm that the player did an intentional manoeuvre in order to block you. I will gladly issue a ban here, but you have missed out the "status" command in console before or after starting your demo. I cannot validate that the reported player is the one in cause, and not another player using the same nickname.

Remember, at the end of the demo, write status in your console, eventually take a screenshot of it and post it together with your dem. file.

Also, it is very important that you bind "/zstuck" command. Activate the command as soon as you jump, or even in mid air if you are fast enough, and you will go thru the player that is trying to block or is in the way.
thank you for the reply, next time i'll add a status screenshot aswell.
But to find the person I picked his steamid out while he was online from the stats on the front page.
I know I gotta bind /zstuck but I got a autoexec file and do not remember how to change it, so I would have to rebind every time ..
Hello again,
Upon an conversation with a higher admin, it is had come to the conclusion that we can ban the reported player for blocking, and that is because it has a unique nickname.
The player was banned for intentional blocking and ruining of gameplay for others.

As for the bind, change ur exec file extension from .cfg to .txt open the file and where you have your binds keys, find a key that is not taken and type

bind "mouse3" "say /zstuck" mouse3 is the key I use, it is the scroll click, you can assign any key you want, as long as it's not takken by another bind.

Here is an idea on how it should look
bind "p" "say /zmarket"
bind "mouse3" "say /zstuck"
bind "mouse5" "say /scream"
bind "TAB" "+showscores"
bind "l" "say nominate"

Remember to save and change the file name back to .cfg after you are finished with it.
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