Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: Ganja


Well-Known Member
28 May 2018
Name Ganja
SteamID STEAM_0:1:517565040
Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3
Time and Date Today

Report Reason Cheating/Hacking
Additional Information
So i took this up with a couple admins for some maps and all agreeds he has some Wierd pro aim.


He hasnt even setup his steam this is just some quick hacking account until he gets banned and does a new one. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198995395809

Ganja.dem goto Tick 6500, how his aimbot targets different zombies when alot of zombies come at screens at once seems to give it away here.

Ganja1.dem Tick 11774 to 11818 SLOW down ultra Slow mo. Image http://prntscr.com/privuu http://prntscr.com/priwkw
And look how fast he instantly shoots up and headshots thro the container. also in this dem you can slow down on his deagle shooting. he is hiding his aimbot by using M3 and deagle, his M3 is frikking deadly, alot more powah than some of our best m3 players like wolsman and blue and yeah you get the point.

Ganja3.dem Goto around middle of the demo.

Ganja4.dem Tick 6000 when shooting with compact, and specially TICK 8700 Slow down there he buys TMP, aimbot goes on and instantly picks a zombie thats on the left on the screen from tick 8700 to 8800 and he did Hit the zombie
His headshot at tick 7200 looks wierd too, wasnt even close with his aim but full headshot. and tick 9400 with TMP.
Proof Demo


  • ganja.dem
    3.1 MB · Views: 66
  • ganja1.dem
    9.5 MB · Views: 65
  • ganja3.dem
    4.5 MB · Views: 76
  • ganja4.dem
    8.3 MB · Views: 77
  • GanjaWatchthisFirst.dem
    2.9 MB · Views: 66
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come on its obvious aimbot why is it taking so long? just look at the photo lol its from Ganja1.dem
While consulting with our admin team, and after watching these demos there's nothing in them that points to a 100% aimbot, or anything that's enough evidence to issue a ban for any hacks. I've looked through them with sv_showimpacts 1 which allows you to see how many shots hit and miss, and there's alot of misses which wouldn't be happening if he were to be using an aimbot.

It could be that he has played on our servers before and is experienced with zombiemod and shooting overall, but as long there's no strong enough evidence to prove that he's using some sort of hack, aimbot/wallhack, we can't issue a ban here.
Might quit the server. This is a new and very common aimbot now that avoids VAC cause its not AIMBOT ON every f****** shot its Aiming for the head most of the time and gets headshots all the time by random spraying

His aim is very AI / Bot like it doesnt look like its human thats n1
Second is, He sprays mad and gets a TON of headshots
He headshots people thro walls all the time when spraying.

Both this and the BOT report have the same Aimbot and you can tell if you compare them its very Similar. if you think Aimbot is 100% headshots and not even trying to hide it then think again, same goes for Havoc who said Mario wasnt aimbotting when he obviously as hell was. same just hold mouse or spray mouse as fast as possible, a ton of headshots, wicked fast aim, Especially when the zombie is Jumping or moving fast you can see the aimbot from the moon.

But ok, we just gonna allow this new aimbot now cause SMAC cant catch it and admins cant tell between obvious AI/Bot aim vs Human aim or see that they get in a ton of headshots aswell. You should try to Play against one of these guys see how it feels.

Every admin that looked at this guy saw it was aimbot and not a regular player, but since he didnt headshot 100% they didnt ban him.
The guy hasnt even Setup his steam profile, its a brand new alt account made to just use that aimbot until he gets banned.

Brand new steam account not setup his profile, comes to server with AI/Bot like aim, sprays like madman, gets a ton of headshots. yeah totally not suspicious he's just ultra pro.

And the screenshot? Did you check that out in the Demo? how do you explain his bullet hitting there when he aims at the ground. the bullet hits a zombie behind the container when he shot at the ground