Invalid [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: Names* Shown in video


8 Jan 2021
Name Names* Shown in video
SteamID Video
Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3
Time and Date Today 16:35 approx

Report Reason
Teaming/Not following the game objective,
Blocking/Ruining the gameplay
Additional Information

Proof Screenshot
Hi there and thanks for reporting, however we only allow demos and not youtube videos as evidence. and dont forget to include the steam id of the person you are reporting in the demo.

Hi there and thanks for answering, you do not exactly encourage people to report if video evidence isn't considered evidence according to your guidelines.

I was trying to help, it's easy for me to record something quick and upload it. Won't bother again, cheers.

P.S. the names of the players are in the video, a quick search in stats would bring up the steam ids.
Hi again, it has always been like this on elite-hunterz we only allow demos ingame, its not hard just type in record in the console.

When you are not including the Steam id in the demo then this could be anyone, it could be an imposter trying to get the real guy banned?
Let me add two things:

the YouTube video cant be reviewed like a real cs:s demo (.dem file). Plus it could be recorded years ago, who knows. A .dem file is a clear evidence, that's why we ask players not to share youtube links or upload other files.
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