Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: Pastor & Payment Machine & GodOfWar


Ex Admin
22 Feb 2015
Name Pastor & Payment Machine & GodOfWar

SteamID STEAM_0:0:67111054 & STEAM_0:0:30996979 & STEAM_0:0:672054777

Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3

Time and Date recently

Report Reason Killing teammates on Purpose

Additional Information



  • tk.dem
    857.4 KB · Views: 108
Hello Dataworm
This particular 4way elevator has always been glitchy and kept making people killthemselves.However,I've seen the demo so many times,I have no idea how the 3 of these players have anything to do with killing teammates on purpose since they were the ones getting killed as well.
I dont quite understand your point? Yeah at some point they also started to teamkill each other, not sure if payment or godofwar started this. But they did teamkill and that is not the first time this week that they received bans for that. Not so sure about pastor, was the first time I saw him teamkilling. Even thought he might be a new player but his records tell quite the opposite xD
Soup mentioned that some other admin is welcome to take a look and make a decision. So would be nice if it could be handled in one or another way ;-)
Hey Dataworm,
From the attached demo it can be seen that player Pastor is the one that jumped on you causing the TK. The player has been banned for that.