Name Sh1x and Minh
SteamID U:1:57962082 and U:1:1739036876
Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3
Time and Date now
Report Reason Killing teammates on Purpose, Teaming/Not following the game objective
Additional Information
Sh1x U:1:57962082
Shix I know has been breaking a couple rules the last days, Edge to TK and basically what u see in the demo.
Minh U:1:1739036876
Minh also broken a lot of rules the last days whenever admins are off, especially teaming and knifing zombs on ct's.
Proof Demo
SteamID U:1:57962082 and U:1:1739036876
Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3
Time and Date now
Report Reason Killing teammates on Purpose, Teaming/Not following the game objective
Additional Information
Sh1x U:1:57962082
Shix I know has been breaking a couple rules the last days, Edge to TK and basically what u see in the demo.
Minh U:1:1739036876
Minh also broken a lot of rules the last days whenever admins are off, especially teaming and knifing zombs on ct's.
Proof Demo