Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: Vosty


Ex Admin
22 Feb 2015
Name Vosty
SteamID STEAM_0:0:57999655
Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3
Time and Date 10 mins ago

Report Reason
Game/Map exploit
Additional Information
roof camping
Proof Demo


  • roof.dem
    534.7 KB · Views: 54
Pls don't hit me with your banhammer, not doing it again. I know in cbble roof camping is not allowed but in fast or other maps? Didn't know.
Pls don't hit me with your banhammer, not doing it again. I know in cbble roof camping is not allowed but in fast or other maps? Didn't know.
If you already know about the rule that camping on the roof on cbble is not allowed then why are you doing it again? You already have alot of bans on your record for teaming so I'm pretty sure you are familiar with the rules already.
however, these bans are a year old and for the effort that you came here to atleast try to apologize, I'll reduce the ban to a shorter period of time. It will be set to 1 day from now.

please, follow the rules on our servers in the future.
Thanks for the ban request data.
Just for the record: He got knifed short after but I didn't saw how it happened. Maybe he just edged or he actually jumped down for fairness... Just in case that is relevant for ban length or whatever...