[CSGO - Surf] Changelog

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when life gives me lemons, I rtv
Staff member
Head Admin
EliteHunterz Clan Member
25 Mar 2010
Hey everyone.
This thread is the place where you will find all the major changes that will be performed on our surf servers.
You can bring your suggestions in this thread: https://forum.elite-hunterz.info/showthread.php/7912

This thread remains locked for better clarity.

Thank you and have fun!
  • fixed the accidental VIP tag
  • fixed advertisements on EU2 advertising !style when it wasn't available anymore
  • added knife dropping on EU4
  • fixed boost across all servers
  • added rtv to mix expert (small link issue)
  • added USP back (not yet uploaded to the servers)
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  • updated sourcemod
  • updated sourcebans
  • updated a filter that prevented console from outputting anything
  • added racism autogagger
all the above on US2 only, when everything turns out OK i'll apply to all servers (1/5 done yet)

  • reverted simpson to 102.4 tickrate
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  • fixed exploit allowing clients to exploit challenges by suiciding before the start
  • fixed colors for welcome message
  • fixed mapzones not loading when the server restarts WITHOUT having to restart the map (hopefully it works 100%)
  • fixed !dowant and related triggers
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  • fixed colors exploit: players were able to use colors in chat by exploiting some ASCII chars
  • Fixed color tags showing up
  • added new property in skillgroups.cfg for name colors
  • removed unsupported colors
  • fixed to-admin chat showing to normal players as well
  • fixed 0day exploit that allows players to gain insane amount of speeds through practice mode (thanks to water and "FPS God")
  • changed version to 1.19 (change in configs)
  • removed VIP from all servers (it was hidden the bastard)
  • added extension for ALL mix servers
  • swam 2.5km across a lake
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