EliteHunterZ Videos

Oh I’m sorry! I think I just made it Man’s day over there by sharing this :)
Happy Man’s day Alina! 😁
Love it bro! Nobody captures the comedic moments on the server quite like you do man, kamarad is a close second but sorry kama, I don’t think anyone can compete with these gunpower compilations 😄
I woud like to do more but my potato Pc what is just litll above avarage and even i manage to broke my videocard AMD Rx 550 2 gb and in repair dude put bit litll better GTX 720 4gb . I try record best quality but sometimes i feel aim change .it is more "hard" it is what i do not like so i am like nah , that is one of reason i do not record frag clips .This comes with love for game to see and apriciate all what gamers do and sometimes you can not just be mad for to long on tham even in worst plays happens. Moust of things happens unotice and that what is my goal to show . Awp this mad zombies is fun as helll -that what i woud like to make as well , but with aim what change when i sometimes hit that record , i do not feel good in aim . CPU shoud run this things but i am like i can feel smalest change , lags and list go on , so i found a this way to capture fun times of game what i found out is f amzing thing to do as well than just frag clips. edge- perfect shoud be made by someone , it coud be random dude take down whole camp site - i have this ideas but it takes constant record and it takes way difrent efort on rewatch clips and put all in one . I am to lazy for this but idea as self - it coud be hell of video. Trick to get edger is - if you know you have no suport for boost and thay kind not know you there , what i love to do is 1 simple thing , i do flashlight and bro i had done this so manny times , holly shit it works , just flashlight , time your jump and man thay are just that bad . Holly molly just flashlight to tham and some will come like - HUH ? what is this ? -Boom EDGE PERFECT , edge lord is born. This my top list i like to do haahahahahahahahhaahah ,works a lot .

One of the longer clip comps i've made,hopefully it ain't boring for y'all!
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guys save cool clips that you would want to share with us and upload them! the thread is dyin aaaa
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Reactions: SyntX
damn thats some crazy stuff you are showing there soup, single-handedly spreading the virus and mutating constantly with his new strategies
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Reactions: SyntX
In case you wanna train some elevator boosts on 4way, here is how i do it :)
View attachment 18951
I used to do alot back in 2021-2022.. and i really miss playing v3 nowadays but have no time for it. I'm pretty sure, there are still some noobs who camp in the middle tower. This trick works here hehe ;)
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Reactions: Woozu
Hitting that button is so hard when you try those boosts, neat clips. If you dont like the camping style then u better teach more or revive v1
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