Erhöhung Frauenanteil

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Luckily that is not a system we will implement here. There are those that make sure others do things accordingly, professionally, and objectively. That is why in the end decisions on certain matters fall to those who supervise. Such individuals as Lotus. And they have been doing this for a long time. And this community would not be here without their inputs and guidance. And we've had very little issue with admins crossing certain lines. It happens here and there, but not too often. Like I said, we welcome new people that we think will suit the team to apply.

Other than that, we will perform no testing. This is an online, voluntary community, and nobody can be asked or forced into something such as this. And we're not interested in such a thing either. Therefore, this topic has come to an end. If this were an actual company and we were employee's it would be a different matter. But as that is not the case, this is how things will remain. Thank you for your understanding.

Kind Regards

Elite HunterZ AsH
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Thans AsH. I like how you argument and accept if you are not willing to implement such a system. Have a nice day!
Hmm I know that my IQ was once at 143 but that is many many years ago. After so many virtual deaths and playing with so many stupid rulebreakers, I fear my IQ decreased a lot. And the niveau on the server seems to get worse so one more year and I probably became too stupid to be an admin... We need to add something to the gameservers that makes us smarter! :-D
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I propose a system where after each kill you have to solve a calculus problem within a certain timeframe. If you fail, your kill will not count. Of course, if a player keeps answering wrong they will eventually get automatically banned from the servers. We want our community to be smart after all :)
Guys, stop writing joke answers, my previous posts were meant to be serious and I was only asking if it's a possible solution for better admins. So no trolling or whatever.
you know, in fact, I'm a 12 year old girl and you hurt my feelings very much in your own words, BKA
You just want to damage my reputation by making of every and sinle post of mine 1 big big joke!!! Sorry, I will not to continue to write more about that topic. If you look closely you will see it's not that insane what I suggested...
Ok, in all seriousness, I will respond.

All of these joke responses and sarcasm may be an indication to you as to how your suggestion is perceived.
Things like an IQ test are not necessary to be a volunteer admin. We do perform many checks on applicants, such as a general check on the character of the person, if someone is lying then 99% of the time we know.
Other suggestions such as a drug tests are as well unnecessary and would never be performed, something such as the consumption of marijuana has no affect on how an admin does their duties.
It wouldn't be possible for us to stack the admin team with females, because frankly there are not enough even playing the game to do that, unless you would suggest we reduce the full admin team to 4 or 5 people?

We appreciate your suggestions but these are unnecesary and would not be implemented. Our admin team is currently very good and no changes are needed in order to improve it.
Thanks, Lotus

PS: In regards to all of the joke posts I'd ask that after this reply you please stop making them. Thank you, that will be all
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Tristan, du hast keine Ahnung. Sorry! Wie kommst du auf den scheiss ich sei 27? ich bin richter, ob dus glaubst oder nicht, wahrscheinlich bist du ein hauptschüler der sich hier aufspielen will...
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danke dass du mich zum schweizer machst!!! die schweiz ist eh neutraler wie deutschland, wie ich leider tagtäglich feststellen muss!!! :-D
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