Handled# [GoFree/CS:GO Surf] Protest a punishment: Scientist


16 Jun 2021
Gamemode [GoFree/CS:GO Surf]

Ingame name Scientist

SteamID 76561199024851508

Ban/Gag reason Cheating

Desired outcome Reduce the length of my punishment

Statement of grounds
Console picked up BindTurn as AutoStrafe. I used a BindTurn to see what it would feel like after I saw the top play on Kitsune. After playing around with it I spammed it a little and got banned. It does sound fishy, but trust me. Is it possible to make it a timed ban, instead of a perma? I had not read the rules prior and I understand my mistake.
This is just not possible.

Turnbinds are not prohibited on GoFree and it is not possible for you to be banned for using +left, +right binds. Especially not under the guise of an AutoStrafer...

Many, MANY people have used turnbinds on GoFree consistently for years without being banned. Especially unfortunate if the Anti-Cheat has banned you permanently, as then the ball is in your court to PROVE that it wasn't a fair ban.
Can you please provide a screenshot of ur CFG or provide what you did to setup your turnbind ?
Where and how did you find these settings ? Just to clarify.
"These stop your timer on some servers." This is a hint towards it being a cheat/autostrafe he also in the video said jokingly "wanna cheat"
It's autostrafe since you walk and turn at the same time giving u a perfect strafe.
Due to people previously having accidentally used turnbinds and getting unbanned, we'll wait until dPexx reviews this to determine a unban or ban. :)