Handled [GoFree Surf] Report a player: wickedpie and zuhux


Ex Admin
1 Apr 2019
Name wickedpie and zuhux
SteamID STEAM_1:0:457907642 and STEAM_1:1:172334557
Server [CS:GO] Surf (GoFree)
Time and Date 5:06 PM 4/27/2020 Na time system :)

Report Reason
Chat spam,
Excess swearing,
Additional Information
insulting me and attacking me from joining
Proof Demo
# 1367 49 "tyrone" STEAM_1:1:544206637 05:51 110 0 active 196608 wicked alt

# 1362 23 "nick-kuh" STEAM_1:1:536978409 06:47 101 0 active 196608 xuhuz alt

30 minutes later for racism meanwhile the videos show..... it was going in for micspam and toxic
all i kept saying was calm down dunno why you cant hear me :(
I just gave Tyrone a mute, he is quite toxic. If he has multiple accounts and is known for doing this crap, I don't want to have to keep going into Utopia just to mute the same guy over n over....
I just gave Tyrone a mute, he is quite toxic. If he has multiple accounts and is known for doing this crap, I don't want to have to keep going into Utopia just to mute the same guy over n over....
Alright thanks, yea he is known and I think its a ban? do recall mute evasion is a ban and then this shit combined provided with his known reputation
Alright thanks, yea he is known and I think its a ban? do recall mute evasion is a ban and then this shit combined provided with his known reputation
It is suppose to be a ban, but I'd like for someone higher up to investigate his multiple accounts and pin point which ones are his exactly. Just putting in my two cents on the complaint <3
It is suppose to be a ban, but I'd like for someone higher up to investigate his multiple accounts and pin point which ones are his exactly. Just putting in my two cents on the complaint <3
Yea yea all good man
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