[Halloween] [Small Update] zm_eh_tr_farm3_hallow_v2_fix


Well-Known Member
10 Apr 2021

Hello, there is a little update about 2 things. (Picture).​


  • On v1, the spot with the soda and boohshelf was very hard for zombie, almost not possible. I deleted soda and bookshelf to replace by only one sofa.
  • "No one props can be here", I added a Trigger_remove, no one props can be here, he's deleted if you try to put one prop. (For not block the way).


[File] https://www.dropbox.com/s/03dm7hwgqmpqb2c/zm_eh_tr_farm3_hallow_v2_fix.bsp?dl=0

[File to big to import here]
Thank you for your edit! Will have a look asap :)
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There is still a visual bug at the tunnel:


if you go closer you still see this:
hey @DrFiction are there any more optimizations that can be made to reduce the amount of entities? we're getting crashes on this map unfortunately
Update :

- Map has been a bit optimised.

Total 925 entities (0 empty, 914 edicts) (v3)​

Total 774 entities (0 empty, 714 edicts) (v4 New)​

I hope the problem is fixed.​

(edit I fix something quickly and I post the update here)​

(Edit 2 : Fixed)​

bsp in .rar due to the size (more than 100mo).


  • zm_eh_farm3_hallow_v4_fix.rar
    47.9 MB · Views: 131
Last edited:
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Checked and added back to the nomination list, we'll see if it runs ok now 👍
Could just be on my end and it's not really map breaking so I don't think it needs to be removed again, but looks like the reflections around the map are showing an error texture

Update :

  • Reflection fixed (normally),
  • TheRalle sign deleted.



  • zm_eh_farm3_hallow_v5.rar
    47.9 MB · Views: 61
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