Happy Birthday Nikoooooooooooooo7777777777777!!!!


Retired SPA/HA
Retired SPA/HA
27 Sep 2014
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23 years old



Happy birthday Niko, happy birthday to you, your nose is very big, sadly the opposite of your d*ck. Enjoy your lovely day, this year you will turn out gay, the grey hairs will appear, but for now i'll give a beer! You've been here very long, therefore i sing this gayish song, you've worked very much, you are Advaldo's crush.

Happy birthday!!!!!!

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hahhahahaha lmao!
Happy bday Niko!
Giving you a special bday gift later in bed ;))
kinda late to the party but Happy birthday dude, hope u had a great day :)
Thank you everyone! I had an awesome bday hahaha!

BTW You seem to have a kind of fetish for men Havoc! ahhaha
I'm not going to turn gay, like ever... You should check soph out and you'd understand :joy:
BTW You seem to have a kind of fetish for men Havoc! ahhaha
I'm not going to turn gay, like ever... You should check soph out and you'd understand :joy:

Don't i have the right to? :p
You will, soon.. I only see a walrus.. Do you have a fetish for walruses?
Happy b-day :smirk: