How to get better


19 Apr 2024
Hi there, been playing the EH zm servers for some time (not much really). Just came back from a small break. Always been playing for fun, not caring at all for skill. But now I'd like to get a bit better and play more serious (seems more funny, specially in hunting maps). Need to get better at jumping, moving and shooting. So my questions are:

1. How do you guys practice your bhop? Is there any kind of legal plugin or you do it 100% manual? Any recommendations on how can I get better at this? (already binded the mwheel and noticed a small improvement, but still too slow!), how can I keep improving this?
2. How do you train your aim, do just play the zm server or do you search for an specific server to improve at it? I mostly use M3 and sniper, but Im so bad with M3 when a zombie is chasing me.
3. Any other suggestions to basically play better? ^^ (both zombie and human)

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Hello v_v,

great you found out how much fun hunting can be! Here are my answers (not claiming those to be right or the "only" answers, it's just my opinon):

1. It's 100% manual - if you use any "plugins" you will get banned permanently at once (if you use a script) or after 2 warnings/bans (if you use a macro). Bind +JUMP to mousewheel and use all opportunities to train it (like our bhop server, if you get boostet, if you move downhill, if you try runboost, etc). Having a good mouse is no disadvantage ;) (I use Logitec G mouse)
2. Play, play, play. Maybe try TMP for hunting too, it's the best hunting weapon in my opinion. Hunting with M3 needs a lot of skill and experience - it's not impossible to do but harder as most players forget the reload if they are hunted. Duals as secondary weapons and M3 or TMP is my setup of choice
3. Yes! Play a lot and watch those players who impress you, those who killed you when you felt safe, those who you feel safe to hunt with. Go to spec and use !showkeys for a round or two to see what buttons they use and when. I spend a lot of time observing the old legends but i also love to watch nowadays' best players - you will learn a lot about tactics, movement and handling situations if you do so. And you will learn a few tricks I bet :)
Im gonna tell you my approach for these things, even though easy gave you a really good answer that i would copy just like that.

I would first clarify that while being 'good' is more fun, becoming 'good' might not be as fun. You want to play zm and have a multiplayer experience. To see results however, as easy already mentioned, you might have to play on other servers with different gamemodes to truly improve, even if they are not as fun. If you truly want to do that, then this is how i would maybe approach this and play:

1. To clarify, all you need is to bind jump to your mousewheel (i prefer up because it lets me use my entire finger) and crouch to jump higher at certain scenarios.

Now to really learn/improve, id suggest you first watch a youtube video and understand what you have to do with your mouse and movement keys.

Then, start slow, do a single jump and go left with your key and mouse. Then maybe try it with a bhop, first left, then a jump and then right.
If you have trouble bhopping at the right time, jump around and focus on improving the timing when you scroll your mousewheel.
To learn the mouse and movement keypresses better, i suggest you to go to a bhop server with autobhop (you can hold down spacebar and jump) and look if !keys or !showkeys works as a command to further improve the mouse and keypress synchronization (if you move mouse left, you want to press left/a too)

Even more advanced commands would be
, but thats perhaps a bit too much for now.

Other than that, spectate people and learning from that with showkeys on zm is a good way too

2. Play more zm, exactly what easy said.

Something experimental is searching a zr (zombie riot) server. Another zombie gamemode but with bots following and killing you. You can use it as 'easier' experience compared to zm as if running from zombie players with less skill/are more straightforward. The bots have more hp so you have to shoot the same zombie multiple times just like in zm but i dont think this is gonna be fun at all.

3. Be aware that there is more walk buttons apart from W.
Your movement will be more smooth and fluid and just faster in general. One keyword i would tell you is 'prestrafing', look it up on youtube, becareful with csgo videos because the game is at parts different (use cl_showpos 1 and 'vel' to compare what speeds you up and what doesnt).

4. Learn and practice, practice, practice crouchjumps (also known as '64' jumps because thats the max heightjump). A lot of those big boxes in maps that you can barely jump on are 64 jumps, jumping onto them 1st try is great. as a zombie, being able to not just jump onto it but also bhop right after is perfection.

Watch and recreate, and take everything step by step. Hope this is gonna help you
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Hello v_v,

great you found out how much fun hunting can be! Here are my answers (not claiming those to be right or the "only" answers, it's just my opinon):

1. It's 100% manual - if you use any "plugins" you will get banned permanently at once (if you use a script) or after 2 warnings/bans (if you use a macro). Bind +JUMP to mousewheel and use all opportunities to train it (like our bhop server, if you get boostet, if you move downhill, if you try runboost, etc). Having a good mouse is no disadvantage ;) (I use Logitec G mouse)
2. Play, play, play. Maybe try TMP for hunting too, it's the best hunting weapon in my opinion. Hunting with M3 needs a lot of skill and experience - it's not impossible to do but harder as most players forget the reload if they are hunted. Duals as secondary weapons and M3 or TMP is my setup of choice
3. Yes! Play a lot and watch those players who impress you, those who killed you when you felt safe, those who you feel safe to hunt with. Go to spec and use !showkeys for a round or two to see what buttons they use and when. I spend a lot of time observing the old legends but i also love to watch nowadays' best players - you will learn a lot about tactics, movement and handling situations if you do so. And you will learn a few tricks I bet :)
Im gonna tell you my approach for these things, even though easy gave you a really good answer that i would copy just like that.

I would first clarify that while being 'good' is more fun, becoming 'good' might not be as fun. You want to play zm and have a multiplayer experience. To see results however, as easy already mentioned, you might have to play on other servers with different gamemodes to truly improve, even if they are not as fun. If you truly want to do that, then this is how i would maybe approach this and play:

1. To clarify, all you need is to bind jump to your mousewheel (i prefer up because it lets me use my entire finger) and crouch to jump higher at certain scenarios.

Now to really learn/improve, id suggest you first watch a youtube video and understand what you have to do with your mouse and movement keys.

Then, start slow, do a single jump and go left with your key and mouse. Then maybe try it with a bhop, first left, then a jump and then right.
If you have trouble bhopping at the right time, jump around and focus on improving the timing when you scroll your mousewheel.
To learn the mouse and movement keypresses better, i suggest you to go to a bhop server with autobhop (you can hold down spacebar and jump) and look if !keys or !showkeys works as a command to further improve the mouse and keypress synchronization (if you move mouse left, you want to press left/a too)

Even more advanced commands would be
, but thats perhaps a bit too much for now.

Other than that, spectate people and learning from that with showkeys on zm is a good way too

2. Play more zm, exactly what easy said.

Something experimental is searching a zr (zombie riot) server. Another zombie gamemode but with bots following and killing you. You can use it as 'easier' experience compared to zm as if running from zombie players with less skill/are more straightforward. The bots have more hp so you have to shoot the same zombie multiple times just like in zm but i dont think this is gonna be fun at all.

3. Be aware that there is more walk buttons apart from W.
Your movement will be more smooth and fluid and just faster in general. One keyword i would tell you is 'prestrafing', look it up on youtube, becareful with csgo videos because the game is at parts different (use cl_showpos 1 and 'vel' to compare what speeds you up and what doesnt).

4. Learn and practice, practice, practice crouchjumps (also known as '64' jumps because thats the max heightjump). A lot of those big boxes in maps that you can barely jump on are 64 jumps, jumping onto them 1st try is great. as a zombie, being able to not just jump onto it but also bhop right after is perfection.

Watch and recreate, and take everything step by step. Hope this is gonna help you
This is what I needed. Thank you guys. I'll start my training today 💪🏼
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