How to get Special Admin, road to glory ep 1


Retired SPA/HA
Retired SPA/HA
27 Sep 2014
This is a step by step guide to get yourself a pink title, this thread is associated with Havoc, former pinkie.

Step one, make yourself noted, not in a bad way tho, make the admin team know you from good deeds and not team killing everyone with a potato grenade.

Step two. Befriend one or a few admins, not ass licking them but just have some fun and joke around, don't be edgy or annoying tho!

Step three. Apply for Admin, remember the more you write the better but don't tell your whole life story in "About me". Your motivation to become an admin and make a difference is the most important thing, they don't need to know your 4th cats name. Btw getting a referral from an admin is a good thingy but don't directly ask for it, mention to your admin friend that you want to apply but don't seek the referral.

Step four. Wait a stupid amount of time to get your application answer, mean while don't ask when you get the answer, just stay patient and be cool, don't ask admins what's being said on your application, if you asked me in my pinkie days i'd say your application is a comedy section about how much of a fool you are thinking you can become an admin. Just don't ask and wait calmly, check the forum once a day however to see if the answers are up.

Step five. You hopefully got accepted, if not just send Niko some doge coins and you'll get his referral for the next application you make, wait at least 2 weeks tho, a Niko referral is usually a big plus unless you are on Easy's Black List.

Step six. You are now an admin and you are shocked by how difficult it seems, stay cool, it gets easy after a week so don't panic. Make sure to handle your sick and twisted need to abuse every single pleb that frustrates you, even if the desire is killing you you must stay calm and act in admin ways, if you can't control yourself make sure you can excuse your reason for perm ban otherwise big boy dpexx and little gangsta Lotus will whip your butt.

Step six. You've been admin for some time now, at least 6 months and you suddenly feel like wanting to step up, become a pink man, what you need to do is to befriend a Head Admin, if you try your tactics with NoMatt3r i recommend you watch some My Little Pony so you have a safe conversation subject to become friends over, if you go with Niko you might want to learn about crypto and nerdy computer stuff and maybe impress him with tech skills that could turn Niko's donger down-side up. If you try dpexx, he's Scottish, mention Whisky, he plays rust a lot, mention that and you're gucci with pexxi.

Step seven. Wait for an open spot to the Pinkie team and make sure you're on good terms with all the staff members, then apply or make yourself noted as a good boy and boom you might become a pinkie!

Little extra hint, try to stay on good terms with Lotus all the way, that man has unique skills that are scary and can't be explained further.

- Former SPA Havoc.
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I don't want to be a killjoy, but this tutorial is broken, the special admins are recruited by carrier pigeon, I read this in the secret place of the forum
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@Havoc u live in past, welcome to the future ^^
to become a spa today its way harder as before, i dont want to talk much about it.

That's the best guide I've ever read.
The pink color alone is enough reason to not become spa! :-D
On the other hand I love blue... So becoming spa and then directly leaving again should result in a blue tag like yours havoc... =)

Those referrals have always been quite useless I think. When an admin would like to refer another player, than he will usually do that during the discussion of admin applications, so it's useless if the applicant writes it into his application by himself. Also it leads to players adding referrals from non-admins and even if this matters, I think no admin tries to verify if these referals are valid.

@Havoc: If I'm bored later, I might also read the other half of your post :p
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I don't want to be a killjoy, but this tutorial is broken, the special admins are recruited by carrier pigeon, I read this in the secret place of the forum
You've unlocked Niko's secret fapping archieve??
@Havoc u live in past, welcome to the future ^^
to become a spa today its way harder as before, i dont want to talk much about it.


Becoming SPA today is possibly a lot harder for Go-Free i can imagine, but for EH i doubt it, becoming SPA in the old days was hard as it was a tight team of mostly long time EH members. Today despite a whole lot less players it shouldn't be harder, but i guess a Head Admin can correct me on that if im wrong. The Community needs skilled Special Admins that are tech-sided to keep the Community alive and possibly move to other games even tho that's been on speech for 5 years.
The pink color alone is enough reason to not become spa! :-D
On the other hand I love blue... So becoming spa and then directly leaving again should result in a blue tag like yours havoc... =)

Those referrals have always been quite useless I think. When an admin would like to refer another player, than he will usually do that during the discussion of admin applications, so it's useless if the applicant writes it into his application by himself. Also it leads to players adding referrals from non-admins and even if this matters, I think no admin tries to verify if these referals are valid.

@Havoc: If I'm bored later, I might also read the other half of your post :p

If you become SPA then EH has definitively reached the bottom =D Nah jokes aside man, in the good old days a referral really meant something, if an admin had referred someone then we asked if it was true and for that admins opinion on why he/she referred him, usually a legit referral lead to acceptance, but things changed over the years.

//I didn't realize you could quote more than 1 msg, my bad
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hahaha i love this guide!
However I want to make a few corrections:
1) befriending an admin, a special admin or a head admin is good, however it's not the reason as to why you rank up to the next level. In order to accept a higher position you must have several skills, one of them is being friendly and in line with our team. You wouldn't easily become an admin if you don't have that "admin flow".
2) becoming a special admin is often seen as a privilege of some sort or as something exceptional, however being a SPA is way beyond that. Becoming a SPA often means that you'll have less time to play because you will be in charge of making the community work. You will be the one admins and players come crying to for every little thing, and it's your responsibility as a special admin to make the best out of it. A special admin is essentially like a job, you need skills, you need a lot of initiative, you need time, patience and did I mention that you need skills?
3) A special admin is not just a rank that someone earns with years of service. Our most recent example is @Jay2k1. He hasn't been around for very long, yet he's a SPA already. The reason we sometime invite members in the SPA team is because we lack people with certain skills that can help us carry on with the community. A lot of admins in the last 10+ years wanted to become special admins just for the title (so to say), the issue with that is that we don't often need people that do those basic tasks that anyone in the team could do, we need people that know their shit and have the will power to do that shit. For example, nobody asked Jay to build all the tools he built, he simply saw the need of those tools being there and he programmed them.

so all in all, if you're good at something that can and will make the community better, do them, put the time in it, spend hours trying to improve this community, and if you keep doing that and we observe the success of your actions, it's likely that there is a spot somewhere for you.

otherwise send me a bitcoin, I'll give you that pinky title. I'm swiss after all
Great explanation nikoo. However I would say that this should also be a valid description for regular admins in most parts (except the tech skills and maybe that everyone comes to you to cry). I often think that even though you can see it as an honor to be selected as admin, you should in first line consider this as a responsibility. Too often I see people that wanna become admin because it sounds to them like fun rather than a chance to do something good for the community.

Btw, do you also offer blue tags for bitcoins? ;-)
Great explanation nikoo. However I would say that this should also be a valid description for regular admins in most parts (except the tech skills and maybe that everyone comes to you to cry). I often think that even though you can see it as an honor to be selected as admin, you should in first line consider this as a responsibility. Too often I see people that wanna become admin because it sounds to them like fun rather than a chance to do something good for the community.

Btw, do you also offer blue tags for bitcoins? ;-)
i'll probably do things you can't imagine for 1 bitcoin 🤣