[Member Application] Schou


Ex Admin
6 Apr 2011
In-game name: Scнσυ!

Age: 20

Steam username: vSchou112

Steam ID: Steam_0:1:37248727

Can you speak english and german?: I can understand a bit german - And my english is average.

Clan history (if none, leave blank): None

Any serious bans before?: None

Do you have a microphone?:I do

Why do you desire becoming part of the Elite Hunterz (This is important): I'm sitting here right now and thinking I don't wanna give you the same bullshit as anyone else. So i'll just keep it simple. i've been around here for about two years now I believe, and I really enjoy hanging around in this community, it is so much fun. I know and talk to alot of the members around here. I've been fighting to be good enough of a player to join, but it have never succeed, so now i'm giving it a shot again! I need to take it to another level. I want to become a member of the Elite hunterz because I know, that I got what it takes, and I will be fighting hard to be among the top players! I hope you will think twice when thinking about accepting me. I won't let you down!

Where you referred to this clan? If Yes, Who referred you?: Advaldo & Koboldmaki.

Last but not least: tell something about you, your life, your hobbies, etc etc: My name is Ronnie Schou, and i'm 20 years old. I live in a city called Herning in Denmark(that's where the action is!). For a living I work as a Combat Soldier at Jydske Dragon Regiment. I'm the shooter on our incredible IKK CV9035. Some will think that being a soldier takes all of your time, and you won't be able to play at all. But you are wrong! I work from 0645 AM to 0415 PM, and besides that I got a girlfriend and we have been together over 3 years, and I still got the time to play, no worries at all :) In my spare time I like to workout, hanging around with my friends, and of course gaming!

And if some would be interested in my future about the army. Right now we are on alert untill 2014, and it means that we can risk being sent to Mali, Syria, or South Africa within 14 days / one month. Then you know if I suddently dissapear ;D

Thanks for taking your time to read my Application.
Sincerly, Schou
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Thank you for applying to the Elite Hunterz clan!

Your application form is nice and clear! I like it :)

You will be evaluated and i will post the answer here. Good luck and Happy Hunting!

Thank you for your quick reply! ;)
Sooo you're telling us that in Herning the action takes place?

Let me quote wikipedia: Herning became known for the textile-weaving industry that developed in and around the town.

In conclusion, you may like to stitch, crochet or knit something for us?!

Anyway, good luck :D
Sooo you're telling us that in Herning the action takes place?

Let me quote wikipedia: Herning became known for the textile-weaving industry that developed in and around the town.

In conclusion, you may like to stitch, crochet or knit something for us?!

Anyway, good luck :D

HAHAHAHA, priceless xD
That Sir was One of the best application i've ever read! Good luck

Thank you very much! :)

Sooo you're telling us that in Herning the action takes place?

Let me quote wikipedia: Herning became known for the textile-weaving industry that developed in and around the town.

In conclusion, you may like to stitch, crochet or knit something for us?!

Anyway, good luck :D

Fashion, that's all I got to say :)
Im sorry but you did not pass the requierments.

Get better and you may have a chance :)
