[New Plugin] Pings & Voice Chat on V3


when life gives me lemons, I rtv
Staff member
Head Admin
EliteHunterz Clan Member
25 Mar 2010
Hey everyone!
I'm opening this thread to collect feedback on a new plugin I'm writing, also to raise awareness of such plugin.

As of today you have new available commands:

sm_ping ----- display a visible ping to your teammates
!invite <player name> ----- sends a team invite to another player
!joinpublic ----- Joins a public common group (Still unmoderated!)
!accept ----- accepts the invite and puts you in the same group as the inviter
!decline ----- decline the invite (after 30 seconds it auto declines)
!teammates ----- lists all your teammates
!leave ----- leave the current team
!groups ----- show a help menu with instructions

sm_printgroups ----- (admins only) list all teams and teammates
sm_pingall ----- (admins only) ping visible to everyone regardless of teams

what this does is it allows you to teamup with other people ingame.
Members of the same team can:
1) freely voice chat using ingame voice (default key: K).
2) ping positions around the map for same-class teammates (humans with humans, zombies with zombies)
3) (soon) have a distinctive trail or "hat" that will let other teammates know it's you
4) (soon) be able to interact in chat privately

Groups persist across map changes but once you leave the server you're kicked from the group.
Any member of the group can invite other members.

This is meant to be an alternative to discord so that ingame players can enjoy a similar experience, also by adding a ping system we modernize CS:S to emulate the experience in newer games such as CS:GO/CS2/Apex/COD/BF etc...

Please go ahead and try this new feature out and let me know what you think!

Please beware that both the group voice and chat will be entirely unmoderated. If you don't want to hear potentially offensive things you should create your own group or consider NOT joining a group at all.
We will not accept any ban/abuse requests related to group chats.
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question - I hear people in game while I am not in a team- does that mean they are in a team or can everyone now freely talk?
I think you either unknowingly joined a team or there is a bug in niko's plugin. Try using sm_leave or in game "/leave" and see if that may fix it, if you want to fix it in the first place. Other than that, you are sure it were people using their mics in the in game voice chat that you heard right?

Edit: or its simply intended this way which i dont think is the case
I like it a lot, well done
In the same style you can have the proximity microphone, but the idea of zombies with zombies and humans with humans is very good, it will undoubtedly please people when the players understand the system

bind "j" "sm_decline Kr1pT1c"
I think you either unknowingly joined a team or there is a bug in niko's plugin. Try using sm_leave or in game "/leave" and see if that may fix it, if you want to fix it in the first place. Other than that, you are sure it were people using their mics in the in game voice chat that you heard right?

Edit: or its simply intended this way which i dont think is the case
Yeah I heard people ingame talking and not sure if that is supposed to be the case. I asked if anyone can hear me but no one answered lol. I verified that I was not in a team when I heard players. I actually like talking in game but not sure if that is suppose to happen
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What if a teammate gets infected, will it still be able to communicate with the others? And what if, another member of the team gets infected, will it be able to comunicate with the first teammate that got infected?
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thank you for reporting the bug! I think I have an idea as to why that happens, I'm trying to fix it.

Voice chat is currently meant to work cross teams, so if you get infected you can still shout "bitch! Why did you not cover my 6?" at your teammate who escaped the zombie.
quite like on discord where you don't suddenly stop hearing your friend just because you got infected.
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Well from what I have noticed today:

  • I can randomly hear people every now and then,even if I or anybody else is in the team.
  • Doesn't matter if you are human or a zombie,you can still talk to your teammates ( which I don't know if it's intended or not,but I like it this way)
  • People having a hard time noticing that they are being invited in the chat ( Maybe have a pop up notification {[e.g] a notification similar to map votes} for them to spot it easier?)
Well from what I have noticed today:

  • I can randomly hear people every now and then,even if I or anybody else is in the team.
  • Doesn't matter if you are human or a zombie,you can still talk to your teammates ( which I don't know if it's intended or not,but I like it this way)
  • People having a hard time noticing that they are being invited in the chat ( Maybe have a pop up notification {[e.g] a notification similar to map votes} for them to spot it easier?)
Good idea, but I think we should put a cooldown on invite if we add a notification panel because otherwise some peoples would spam it and it would be problematic since it can temporally block a key {[e.g] You're running away from a zombie, your primary weapon is empty and you need to switch to your pistol but the panel pop up.
Well from what I have noticed today:

  • I can randomly hear people every now and then,even if I or anybody else is in the team.
  • Doesn't matter if you are human or a zombie,you can still talk to your teammates ( which I don't know if it's intended or not,but I like it this way)
  • People having a hard time noticing that they are being invited in the chat ( Maybe have a pop up notification {[e.g] a notification similar to map votes} for them to spot it easier?)
Jep, same. I could also randomly hear some people when I was not in a team. But when I was in a team I couldn't hear any randoms.....maybe it was just a coincidence.
And yes, people have a hard time noticing the invites... some kind of pop-up would be nice.
The !ping did not seem to work.
But other than that it was brilliant, I really love this solution. I hope ya'll team up with me every time you see me in the server.
The plugin is back!
I changed sm_teamup to sm_invite.

It should now work correctly!

More updates will follow!
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  • added a default public instance that anyone can join with !joinpublic
  • added colors to command messages
  • fixed a bug causing players being able to talk to everyone
  • added a fancy menu with instructions (!groups)
  • added a fancy menu to list all your teammates (!teammates)

  • private chat (it's still too bugged)