Nomination fix suggestion


20 Sep 2017
When someone nominates a map they have locked in a choice, but sometimes I want to change it when I see that map vote 15 second reminder. But when the nominations are full it says "Maximum nominations have been reach." I'm suggesting that if a player already picked a nomination that they can change it mid map even if the maximum amount have been reach. Because I'm not adding a new nomination, I simply want to change a current one.
That bug seems to be from a sourcemod plugin and therefore I guess that bug might also appear on other servers as well... Not quite sure where the best place is to do such a bug report. Maybe we could also fix it on our own but that bug probably won't get that much attention.
Hello Mudkip, the limitation is there because else it's gonna bug the mapchooser.
When people nominate all the "spots" (3 4 5 6 etc) get taken and if there's no limitation it will as I said bug the mapchooser.
That's really all I know about it and I don't know if it's possible to change it so you can switch the map you chose, I hope a ha/spa can answer this thread and give you more answers.

Totally not stealing this response from blue...
Doing this would lead to people rushing nominations so they could reserve a nomination slot for later which isn't a good thing.

My personal suggestion, don't nominate a map if you don't want to play it 15 min later :p
That's what I do tho, I pick a nomination as quick as I can because I know the server players, especially donors always pick terrible maps (4way,cblle,etc.) I don't know why they do this but its not a resolvable. So I just spam the first available nomination, but 20 min goes by so fast that I forget to change it to the map I really wanted. Its not a big problem so I was just bringing it up just to put some new material under the feedback section. =) But thank you all for the timely response