Post your screenshots { Knife killZ !! } ZM

New signature Blue <3 xd

got 4 so far :b Hako 2-0 :D one of them doesnt count though. the knife kill i got with scodriem ... i hunted him and when i wanted to get my knife kill he flashed me and turned his back on me ... -.-

I got Ceddy twice today xd i got angel once :b i got two knife kills in 4 seconds and i got another dude as well :D 10 today!
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It didn't go so well for me today I thought at start. I got 4 knife kills earlier but no known players, but then it happend. I got Suicidesheep just recent :D
Damrai.jpgEin Drink.jpgGaz the boss.jpgGaz the boss2.jpgKiing.jpgNomatter.jpgTonton.jpgVirus.jpg

Haha :D I got 8 more this evening! I got Nomatter from SH (I hope I dont get in trouble for knifing a headadmin, if so I love you Nomatter! If I dont - you are next Niko ;b), I also got Gaz the boss TWICE, I got Kiing from DH, i got Virus and 3 unknown players xd 13 knife kills today - record :D
7mzhq.jpgAkkezdetfia.jpgMahdy.jpgmicha40160.jpgNight Viper.jpgRikoshet.jpgvolraider.jpgzomtec.jpg

8 today - night viper from eX, Mahdy from ZR, volraider, micha40160, akkezdetfia, 7-something and 2 others i dont remember i have seen before :b
kosto lom.jpgMarlin.jpgmicha40160-2.jpgNight Viper2.jpgShazzer2.jpgzzx.jpg

6 till now - shazzer once again (haha a little lucky I have to admit xd), Night Viper once again, micha once again, special map marlin first time, and then 2 others idk ^^

Breez two times, mindofstoner once, ZR Django, 2 unknown players and one winning nade :b and then also a guy named "XD" which looked like he had played before but idk who he is - 13 today :b
Apeex.jpgBarbare.jpgCube.jpgKemper.jpgmethodz.jpgNice.jpgPapst.jpgSharingan.jpgSteve angello.jpgTwix.jpgVirus2.jpg4vs4.jpg

Alca second time, Virus second time, Apeex from DH½ first time, balyoz from eX, sharingan from LK, and 9 other players i got 14 knife kills yesterday which i forgot to upload and idk why the last two pics come up under my text :s


  • Alca2.jpg
    208 KB · Views: 399
  • balyoz.jpg
    266.6 KB · Views: 346
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Ty Niko xd - forgot to upload the pics from yesterday. I wanted 9 and i got them :D
Baltazar.jpgMarcus sommers.jpgozi.jpgN!ce.jpgPrometeus.jpgRizeli the iceman.jpgT@Z59.jpgtrue hlebushek.jpgnade2.jpgScootah.jpg

9 knife kills and a nade kill :b one of the 9 was Baltazar from SH - he was fooling around and I saw the opportunity to put my knife in his back :D (wauw sounds even more evil when I said it that way :/) I also got a guy named true hlebushek idk him but he seems to be alright, i got 2 knife kills in 8 seconds and then 4 other unknown players and then i got SCOOTAH :D - now that i have 100 knife kills in around 10 days I will turn it down xd
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Impulz from SH, Inferno/Eternal from FL and Lost ^^
you hs me and then knifed you cheater!