[Recruitment] Elite Hunterz

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Ingame name ™ Thyke™
SteamID STEAM_1:0:420721657
Age 17

I saw the server late I've been playing CS for 1 year I am a reliable and online player if I enter this clan I am ready to fight for this clan I hope we can have a bigger family and go on this road without giving up
it was my dream to enter this clan I really want to get into this clan
Clan history
Previous bans

About me
17 years old I'm interested in football love playing games especially love playing cs and i am a good person
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Ingame name Lazer X
SteamID https://steamcommunity.com/id/shishant_
Age 18

I was already banned for spaming on forum . But who ban me he was correct . If any player break the rules then , he will ban . Admin were right . If you make me Member or Admin of server then i will Control all player

<url="https://steamcommunity.com/id/Shishant_">Steam If i will break the rules then you ban me VAC or Block my steam
Clan history SupremeElite , Elite Ducker
Previous bans
Easy ban me for Breaking the rules

About me
just 18 yrs old . want eh clan
just invite for mirrage
3 best friend
best game Cricket and basketball
fan of Zayn Malik
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Ingame name FURY™
Age 27

i am a really active and good counter strike player and i am good with other players and have good Chemistry with my team players. And i also know a lot of players from the clan EH .
Clan history
Previous bans

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i go to the gym a lot and play alot of video games
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Ingame name Contract
SteamID Contract6
Age 28

i´m looking for some cool ppl to play on css, for a nice community and maybe some new friends. i played the most time on your zombie server and i´ve met a lot of your admins, so i decided a canditature to your clan. a few years ago i owned a clan with some friend. we played in esl and giga league (giga long time ago)
Clan history TnG (TheNewGeneration); NtC (NorthCore)
Previous bans
i got one time banned from a server, bcuz i was insulting a guy. i was young and dumb :D
About me
what can i tell here, i´m kevin, 28 y/o . i´m a german soldier, got a girlfriend on my side, i´ll buy a house soon and hope to get some kids. i like it to play some games on pc/ps4 or riding my Simson moped.
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Ingame name TaPSCoTT
SteamID studio2016
Age 29

I really spend quality time on this server and I want to be a part of this team. average 7-8 hours I can be online even if I do not get the task I want to help you
Clan history
Previous bans
retry :)
About me
Passion for game beim. i really love fps games. and I want to help you with this server. If you give me this chance you won't regret it. thank you
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Ingame name Daley/your nans thighs (depending on what gm I'm playing)
SteamID STEAM_0:1:227882045
Age 17

To be honest, I don't know. I think the community that has been built here is awesome! And I don't want to do just surfing. I'd quite like to get into some competitive games with fellow members and just have fun. I'm a pretty positive guy, and don't take anything to offense really. If I mess up, I own it. If there are problems, I try to fix it. If someone needs help, I do my best to help. Even in surfing. If someone needs help, I always do my best to help someone in need.
Clan history More like groups. Not really been put down to a clan yet.
Previous bans

About me
I'm 17. I am currently in college working towards my level 3 NVQ. I play a fair bit of Escape From Tarkov and CSGO. I go gym 4-5 times a week and I'm getting back into Rugby. I watch a bit too much of The Big Lez Show and maybe a bit to much of Mike Nolan's Long Weekend. I'm a pretty chill guy to be honest.
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Ingame name I am Legacy
SteamID http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198254658904/
Age STEAM_0:0:147196588

i've spent an unreasonable amount of time on both the ingame servers and discord servers, i've been admin twice and going for my third time. i love this community through and through and i dont regret any of the time i've spent making friends and connections on the Elitehunter associated sites.
Clan history other than playing and being admin? none.
Previous bans
have a two weird bans due to flaws in the system such as being renamed too many times and when writing a name to spec a guy, you can clear this with havoc if you'd like. he's been the person to unban me from these two.
About me
My name is Alex, im a 24 year old guy that love playing games. i work for a living just as most people do, and i'm currently studying to become an EMT nurse. for hobbies i play games and i workout (the best i can) i love my pet cat. that's all folks.
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Ingame name Pingu-2k
SteamID 76561197999787492
Age 31

Hi all,

when i play CSS the only server i'm playing is the Zombie Hunter. Would love to be part of the team.
Love playing on the server and like the helpful community and i want to be part of this fun community. I want to give something back as well to the other players on the server and represent it.
Clan history i3D
Previous bans

About me
I'm 31 years old
from Switzerland
i play other games as well. but one of the thing i enjoy most is playing video games :D other than that, i like breakdance and basketball.

not much to say about me, chilled dude :D
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Ingame name reduuX.no; Slowian
SteamID STEAM_0:0:47103148
Age 19

I started playing on Elite Hunterz in 2016/2017.
Elite Hunterz was not the first Zombie mod I've played on, but it was the first one I sticked around with for more than a month because I simply enjoyed playing here.
Now we have 2020 and I still enjoy playing on your Servers, I love them! You have a nice community with the best zombie hunters in your clan.
I applied to become an EH member last year but I got declined. I wanna give it another try and hope for a chance to join your clan.
I really would like to become a part of Elite Hunterz Clan, because at first place I'm a huge fan, I'd like to play with you as a clan mate, represent EH... I would proudly represent it!!! And as I mentioned you're the best zombie hunters.

When it comes up to my skill I'm a decent, I don't have the best aim out there but I have my moments.
Im a fair player. I don't break the rules ("anymore" - because prev bans).
I haven't played much css lately because I was busy studying, but now I'm back again I'll improve my activity.

I hope I will get accepted, see you in game.

Thank you for reading my application.
Clan history DeadlyHunterz
Previous bans
2017-07-04: Rejoining as last CT
2017-08-24: Teaming
About my previous bans: I broke the rules back then in 2017 which I regret now and I promise not to break the rules again.
About me
My name is Kamil, I'm 19 years old.
I am from Poland.
I am studying in order to become a car mechanic in the future.
In my free time I'm either playing games or going out with friends.
I love listening to music, different kinds of, dupstep, trap, sometimes even rock.
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Ingame name fEnG
SteamID 76561198299457117
Age 22

Ich spiele öfters in diesem Server.
ich bin ein Vernünftiger Spieler, d.h. der freundliche Umgang mit den anderen Spieler.
und ich sorge dafür, dass aller Spieler in einer Willikommens Atmosphäre auf unseren Server spielt.
ich war Ex Admin. :D
Clan history
Previous bans

About me
Juten Tag zusammen, ich bins Feng, bin 22 Jahre alt, komme aus Bonn.
und ich bin zurzeit noch Schüler, fange aber Bald eine Ausbildung an.
In meiner Freizeit zocke ich gerne, treibe gerne Sport.
meine Freunden sind mir wichtig.
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Ingame name cURTI$
SteamID STEAM_0:1:422350536
Age 24

I had a longtime playerbreak since I left this clan a while ago since then I am trying to get back active on the servers. I had good memories with these community and happy that I have enough time to comeback. Even though we all had our disagreement before I took this break, I just wanna let you guys know that we all are humans and sometimes we just need a time to get recover. All in all I am glad and excited to get back to hunting :>
Clan history xk,dr,eh
Previous bans
About me
Me guesta Buck and I was born and raised in Germany :>
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My first account got hacked years ago since then I don't have any access on this account. I tried couple times via steam support to get it back but it did not work out.

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Ingame name CnR
SteamID STEAM_0:0:58763654
Age 23

I know this server too long time ago, I've spend many hours in v1 and v3, and also EH ZE server when it was active... I have in my record over 6k hours of css gametime.
I was always one man army during my gameplay because no other friends plays ZM like me on the server but I would like to add some challenges and meet other team mates and share good hunting together.
I like the idea of having an elite team based on the server and only elite players can join in it.
Clan history Esl Belgium clan (2014), FFVII SWIFTS zombie escape (2015)
Previous bans
I have one gag on 2014
and another ban on 2015.

Sorry I can't remember why I had them.
6 years before I was around 16-17 years olds so give it to my immaturity, or else it can be a injust gag or ban, I have no memory to remember this sorry.
but in general I am not someone with bad behiavour.
About me
My name is Caner, I have 23 years old, and I live in Belgium.
I started CSS at my 12 years old. and at my 15 years old I joined a pro team and participated on ESL tournaments. and then I did play a lot of Zombie escape, and ZombieMod.

Anything else? I love cars, I own my dream car, and I like going to the gym.
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Ingame name MONSTER³
SteamID STEAM_1:1:56220267
Age 28

1. → Reg. 2011
2. → since 2013 or 14 ZombieHunting by EliteHunterz
3. → i play everyday on the server
4. → i love css and Hi, its me MONSTER³
5. → ve EliteHunterz :)
Clan history 1. DeadlyHunterz 2. DuckerForce (fun)
Previous bans

About me
Hi its me MONSTER³ .. realname: Dodo, im 28 y old, live in Wuppertal Germany. everyday i play on the server, i love this game. my English → Beginners.

i love to play football and playing counterstrike on Elite Hunterz server
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one more acc:

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Ingame name rojusparazinskas
SteamID 0:1:445570970
Age 9

so i can help the community
Clan history
Previous bans

About me
im nice my hobbie is playing and helping
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dont have any
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Ingame name TheRalle
SteamID STEAM_0:0:181938632
Age 23

Well, i play since 2013 on eh servers, in 2016 when i was 19 years i applicated as admin cause some recommed me.

i spent alot of hours in making maps for our player base same like setup some servers for them (ZR-CSS/ZM-CSGO).

Now 2020 i try my luck to be a bit more a part of our eh community as clan member and i would enjoy it.

Besides that i trying to be pretty activ, and i`m a fair friendly dude, i really dont care about these ingame skills, who has the most points is the best or something else, i`m just trying to give our players something cause thats the most important point in my eyes.

In my past years before eh, i played on the dreist-multigaming zm servers, i was just a normally player with some hammer skills, i also edited maps for them..

Finally, i hope you like my application, and looking forward to get any answer soon, have a nice day!

Steam Profil: https://steamcommunity.com/id/TheRalle

Greetings TheRalle
Clan history
Previous bans

About me
My name is Jean-Claude, 23 years old and born in germany i life with my girlfriend since one year together, she is since 6 years a part of my life.

Beside gaming/mapping i visit the gym 3-4 times in a week and doing often something with my girl, shopping, swimming or cinema.

I currently studying for a qualification as a specialist for warehouse logistics
beside that i have a minijob as caretaker.
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Ingame name Inspra
SteamID Inspra
Age 18

Well, my motivation to becoming part of EH are the members, the clan is professionally organized, has stability within the clan and in-game, the members are motivated and and willing to help anyone. If were gonna talk about the server, i'd like to be in the clan to help out the playerbase, often i see only 1-2 admins online, 1-2 admins online moderating 64 players at all times, in my opinion is too little, so i would like to be a helping hand and contribute to the community by offering back something, a clean server with clean players with little, hopefully no rulebreaking.

I would also like to point out that i have been playing in EH Zombie server #1 for quite some time (can be measured into months), but i have never had the idea of really trying to integrate myself into the community, thus i decided to make an account to the forums aswell and try my luck by writing this application. You can be sure that ill be visiting the forums daily.
Clan history
Previous bans
I don't have any bans on record, not on any server infact, but i have a gag made by Easy, the gag was because i shot an object away, an object that my teammates were using, that's pretty much it.
About me
I like to hang out with friends, i like to do sports, my strengths and weaknesses can be found here:

Strengths: Motivation to finish what i started, Cold nerves, i can be chill in even the most intense situations, Natural Leadership skills, something iv'e gotten from others games throughout the years. And last but not least, mood, i can be a very humorous person at times and if needed, i can be very serious.

Weaknesses: I tend to try and shortcut many of my work objectives and might mess something up, thats something im still trying to fix, pardon that. And my second weakness is that i tend to sometimes take the game a bit too far and i do everything at my power to make sure that i can survive. The gag is a good example of that.

If you wish to ask me more questions, feel free to contact me!

Discord: Inspra#5295
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Ingame name Megaladon
SteamID STEAM_0:1:92611392
Age 19

I have long wanted to become part of this project, since my childhood back in 2007, when I just sat down for counter-strike, I was immediately drawn to this regime, because at that time I was dependent on movies and TV shows on such an apocalyptic topic. I still do not play in this mode in your server, thank God that such high-quality servers remain!
Clan history
Previous bans

About me
In my free time, I'm usually interested in building maps in Hammer.exe. At the moment, there are two of them on the account (GameBanana).
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Only this one
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Ingame name ︻デ═一 Bremer
SteamID [U:1:34106279]
Age 29

Ich spiele seit Jahren auf den Servern von EH. EH ist der einzige Grund warum ich noch cs:S aufrufe und spiele.
Ich möchte nach über 7 Jahren nun mein Status als Member gerne mit freude zeigen und EH in meinem Namen tragen und als SKIN mich bemerkbar machen mit gutem Gaming und voller freude.
Clan history
Previous bans

About me
Ich heiße Patrick bin 29 Jahre alt und komme aus Bremen. Ich gehe gerne ins Fitnessstudio und verbringe viel Zeit mit freunden und familie.
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Ingame name Matty
SteamID STEAM_1:0:79568704
Age 16

I would like to be a member of the Elite-HunterZ community because i want to represent it and be apart of something that can really show me that i am much more and also to be proud of myself for achieving the 'member' role of the community. I want to set such great examples for the community as well which i want others to see. Thank you for your time.
Clan history
Previous bans

About me
My name is Matt, i am 16 years old and i'm from England. I am a very nice and friendly guy that likes to help other people when they need the help. I have a massive interest in music and would like to someday work in a music store in the future. My hobbies is playing the drums as i do indeed like rock and metal music.
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Ingame name jD
SteamID jdsmithz
Age 34

I would like to be a member of EH Clan
Clan history
Previous bans
I was ban once for breaking the barricades, but i learn my mistake and never did it again.
About me
I am just a part-time gamer by profession I am certified Microsoft Programer.
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