Ingame name Gucciッ
Age I am 30 Year old! =) Soon 31!
I'm playing since few months Zombie Hunting server and obviously Love it! The Admins and EliteHunterZ and Many Cool VIP Members and ofc normal players that like to (talk in chat) + (!joinpublic) team up with me! You know who u are <3
I enjoy playing on your Servers and want to become a Legendery player if i learn from the Best! done my best to follow and listen to the people with EliteHunterZ. learning from their gameplay! Believe me,! they are really good and I want to learn even more from them! because i am a big fan! take me to the next Level!
share good hunting together is allways Nice! would like to add some New challenges with a team m8 in clan that can show me the way!
By the way..I love the Discord and the forum. I spend a lot of time on Discord and send clips there of funny moments! like the disco club in the party zone with a Banger Dj! . good times. :`))
I know its super hard to be accepted, so I’ll start in 2025 and keep trying next year and the year after. I’ll never give up on my dreams! 1 day i will become a EliteHunterZ!
I will apply today and see if I get in. If not. please give me feedback on how I can improve or any tips that might help. Anything helps! <3
Clan history We Love Zombie Mod by Elite Hunterz + [Ξн-Fan]
Previous bans
No previous bans. My headset wasn’t working...Reehh... so I rejoined the server. I got frozen and slapped in game. <3
About me
Im 30 years old and live in sweden! have been gaming for as long as I can remember. I started on a big, bulky white CRT screen back in the old days. =)
I work part-time (60%) in stores. which gives me flexibility for gaming or meeting new friends!
I play a lot of Rust and have almost 5k hours in the game, with no AFK hours. met many friends along the way. <3 but as time went on... people moved on and now its my turn to do the same. ^-^
Been playing alot alot of... world of warcraft 2004. (Classic + ) Hc / SoD.
Other accounts
I don’t remember my first accounts..but I do remember playing a lot of CS 1.6 when I was younger on my big brothers account.
I have this account and another one with 0 hours in Rust called (Gucci Bankッ) in my friend list. It was only for holding skins...
Recommended by I noticed Mol and Vedz months ago. then asked Easy and others with the clan tag. They told me with a smile to apply on the forum.. but mentioned its super hard to join. with only the top 1% getting accepted. The best of the best!..